M a n t u a ,-
Parma and
capital.Hands' oma lakedormhd% ’the Mind©, and was*.-formerly; fupi
pofed tq .contain yo,©be'rmhabitantSj:- now reduced to ahout
:th’e pbfitkm imd fortifications; féndeE it ajplap'e of great ftrength»': jj The
Adage eonfiftedchiefly oftthe Brefc
tian and Bctgamcfej the latter beingmountaytous.’; -but the Bréfci&ri is
fërtilW in lin e , oily atid maifee, With IgitiMw paflutages, alnd'ffóirie
«lines of Copper a n d iron. _ 5
• Thb territbrlei- óf Pkr-rrfai and Placentia have- been conjoined for
feany ages; They'werê coptefledbythe Lombardis, andby th’e Exarchs
of Raveiina; and after many revolutions fubjedted themfelvea to the
papal -fêe, whèncé tlièy were transferred by Paul III. ifrfavoür' of his
b h Pïeft&Farhëféiïn 154^ This famfily:>being èxtin&in 17^1, after
fobe córitèfts, tbc duèliiès of Parma ami Piacënifa were;fihally affigtfed
to ^ iië1 BóurBon family Xf'-Spsiri: The population ‘V 'computed- at
3bbjCK30 ; revenue' i yyjBSoK Parma is a* éorifiderable city vsutfffome
mattufadures, and an acaderiiy of painting ; the printing prefs eflabliffied
by Bodoni’was diftinguifhed for beautiful pfbdriaibns. Both Parma and'
Piacentia haye univei^tiés.;! ;Thë'fdfls a rich1 fatfdy-or grivelfy
With fine paftufes; and the11 Parmefan cheefe now bade atXodi iWtbb
Milariefé has been celebrated for many Centuries/ Tftb:Tfarrhsi 'are
fmall and agriculture iff conduaèd', 'irrigation being Here little praaifed.
Thé“lhëep-afe bad, and the Wool Üke hair; The in^Wbyebeht }©f * the;
country was muth negfeaed by the Bourbon family.
' The duchy of Modena Isa remnant of the power ofthe5cètebbl^ja-
mily of Efte, who. alfo polfëflèdthe adjacent Country of Ferrara, fefzëdby
fhe Pope in 1598. The remaining territory contains about
and the city of Modeöa 3ö,ifc>ö|Jthe'fevenüe;
that óf thè ffüéhy of P^rri iaand the agriculture is ^fttfè^föpterfer,tfh^
middte-nien and metayers impeding indüftry, but fomé peasants in the
mountains are proprietor's oflarid. Thè breed of fheep is neglëÊted. It
isfebarkable thatTn djggbg wèfe neat Modena, at a céfbïh‘Hfe^th, a
particular ftr^tum ijs found, which being palled, the water' gulhes up as
• from a fubterranêan lake or river. - About ten miles to the Touth-' of
* Y o u n g ’ s France, ii. 148. - - There are iron .founderies near the-'Apennines.. Keyfler,
KU 1 !}•- d the
the capital these is,an aperture in the earth, fritted La Salza,-whence, particularly
in the fpging andvatytumn,gfcen<j fmoke, flame, afliesj and Hones,
with auftrong fmell of jfplphur. Carrara in, the S. of this duchy affords
the celebrated rparble&iffecbb t ftatuatyjj §
Thp imperial fiefs, an,d;fipaller Hates, ;in, this part of Italy, would little
gjegtt .deferigtipn,j efp4cial)y in)(tjhe, tohjH °f .the prefent revolution.
Thjs account,fhall jherefor^clpfe Wdh-.the republic of pepoa,-eonffHing
q£.a; 1hriagffnhtoéftfaaimtis .t-ra<9t,; formerlyv-nótedr>-ff?r the; acritemefs and
treachery of the Ligurians- its inhabitant«. iThe;' city, ©f; Qenüa was
delayed by .Ma'go 'ttffe’ Carthaginian 'general, and rebüilg, by the; Romans.
Ie afterwards became fubje&.fco the Lombards, .and thaerppsrors
of Germany ; but in 806 had’feized Cornea,, -and in.]l|he/ele,yèpth"iaftd
twelfth f^pries--was diflajpguilhed in.,thjgj$rtjl£de$st' the Genoe.fe.fen«
dering ,th§mfelye^ maHer,§ q%j, the. Black Seaivyithj.eflabliHrments in tfe
Qrhp,ea^and: Sven in the -fuburb ©f Pera at .Conffantïnppley where they
fea^aj^ A .riHidyjs Tur.ks took that dtyA^d^eopa^roi^r.con^efted w&
Venice thé dominion of;thfea jj%nd thg war* was not! terhfiiiated.? till
1381. . In 1471 the Genoefe were expelled1 from .thelppimea ^but 3^115
maritinve pöwer eontmued jdefpe£la.bl;9-. The? form,.of .government- was
mete democratic than that-ö&Vehke^-f© that .the latter tótd a-inoto'&rm
éxëctït$ye,iefii€ti; 'Ekhadlted by’^fhe* Veneöan' war, G'êÖök1 offered
Iuntary fubieftion to France a’hcf iMlan.^iout in 152$ Andrew Doria
delivered his country and(ij«trocktcedi a mofèfffable apd' ariftocratic government,
whleff’continued till' f798, Wh.en'!th& Frerifh form was
hholeo, arid, the new flylé affumed of the Ligurian repnh]^ .confirmed
by the recent treaty óf February 1801. In 1730- Górficft ïèwoltiêd from
Genoa, and has not firice beën reftored. In 174^tlië^G^i^m.l^^hwed
war againft the king of Sardinia, bug fuffered ..greatly in,the conteft.
The papal power is here little venerated, t-he people fcfetrig imófeïfed in
bufinefs', and receiving nibnied heretics with open arms.\ The popiv
lation of the territory is computed at 400,©pó; of the -city afe-Scgooo^
The troops, including'the country mi-lMa, may- antfëunt tb *’f©,pol^
but the powerful fleets Kave funk to afew'^|lirest.' The air is pure apd
! See Gibbon,, x i. 39a.