N. o f Karlfburg is found the white g ó ld o re , which alfo occurs in tÉfe
\ hills, o f Fatzebay, .in the fame quarter. Thé! country to wards-the W .
o f Kar-lfburg prefects numerous' gold mines, near Zalathna : and in the
N . o f this province are thofe o f Kapnick, Rodna, Felfobanya, and
others. Mr. Efmark alfo . mentions thofe o f .Yerofpatak, K itn ik , and
Bbitza, b u t fome are exhaufted. A t Ohlapian, n o t far from Zalathna,
is found th e fin e ft-g o ld jn Tranfylvania, mingled w ith gravel and fand.
T h é chief m in in g tow n o f th e 'Bannat .is Orawiza, on the W . o f a chain
o f mountains, confifting o f micaceous fchiftus, granite, and metallic
■rock; between which and Buda are chiefly plains o f fand. Towards
th e S. Tbf Grawiza are found mines o f c o p p e r: and. gold and filver at
- JDognafka to thè -N. i: '<8 * fK /* - ■ ,
T h e fait mines acquired. aldne remain to be defcribedl
•They a r e fitu a te d ji^ already mentioned, a t Wiehtfka, eight miles to thé
S. of Cracow, being excavated at th e n o rth e rn e x trem ity o f a-'Branch
'o f the Carpathian mountains. T h e defcent is ?hy. pitsofrgreat- depth ;
\ a n d the galleries and chambers are o f inlmenfe fizp, c om m o n ly -ftp -
ported by timbe r, p r b y vaft pillars o f fait, p u t p f w hich material’ even
fubterraneous chapels' are formed ; b u t travellers have id ly exaggerated
'th e fplendour and extent oTthe faline apartments.” tThe^miher&^ork-
T y intervals o f e ight h o u r s ; after wh ich - t b p are drawn'uj>, and the ir
places fnpplied by others. T h e revenue arifrng from thefe mines was
-computed at near ioo,oooL fterling y e a rly ;. ,bu.t'it:hasdprifidetably'de-
-clined fince th e y became fubjeft to Auftria.. The, fait is ,of an iron
grey colour, fometimes intermingled with white cubes; and fome-
times large blocks, of fait appear imbedded in marl.” . T h e .p u re ft fort
i s found' at the bottom o f the mine, and ,is fparry. T h e mines extend
about 3 6 0 0 fe e t from E. to W ., and about 200 from S. to N. T h e fait
is of the fame identic k in d w ith th a t found in Marmarus, on the other
fld ë o f thé Carpathian chain, or indeed throughout Tranfylvania, which
-contains a great number o f fait mines,, th o u g h n o t of confiderable
' extent.
."Mineral T h e mineral waters in the Auftrian dominions arejvery numerous, •
Watcr| I a g is to. be expefted in a country fo mountainous, w ith the exception
*•- Coxe’ s PoL i. 200.. •" ; p 43 Towftfón, jS8
p f the great plain i n ’the-W. o f'H u n g a ry , extending Upwards o f 250
miles in every direction. T o inftance a few ; T y ro l prefents thofe o f
Sellrain, M eran, Sexten, Prax,.Agums, B ru tz .in the uppe r valley o f the
In n , Trafp, Rabi, Pei, and,others. In Stifia 'there are fev e ra l; nor are
Carinthaa and Gafniola .d'efftitnte; 'oC fl^ a advantage. Auftria proper
prefents thofe o f B ad en ; and Bohemia thofe' a t Carlfbad, Toeplitz,
Agfa, an d Deftiy. * Mineral, fpring-s abound in Hungary* as at G ran,
Buda, G rofwardin, where the h o t baths are frequented by the neighbouring
Walachians. In the N. are thofe, . o f R ank, Bertfeld, ,and
fle e rs .
Among the natural curiofities m a y b e named the grand Alpine feenes
o f Ty ro l, th e ' .glaciers and peaks of. the Brenner. A t Ganno witz in
S tiria is a fountain whofe waters are faid to be/.warm in winter, .and
- cp ld , in fumme'r: a :common error, the deception: teonfi-fting in the ir
preferving th e fame temperature. T h e calcareous hills o f ’Carihthia
afford many fingular feenes ; which are h ow ev e r|^ e§ d% c l bylliiOfe o f
th e Carman Alps, o r Birnbaumer mountains, of.Cayniola., In the latte
r cotmtryy near Adlfbeig, is'-faid-to be aigtotto o f prodiglhhijfehtent,
difplaying fpaces fufficient for the. eredtion o f v i l l^ e 5,/a n d contphirig
tfa tu ral amphitheatres, bridge^* Sec.1*” Near the entrABtfeeihe
which rifes at about a mile diftant, th r ^ s y f f e l f info the hoHow $ftlthe
rock, and pafles under th e grotto, whichwa^y-per^Fts.thd'hmipnt'Mtorfe
o f th e river. T h e g ro tto o f St. M a ry Magdalen“ in th e fame difrridi,
-is, Remarkable for beautiful pillars ; and ; th a t p f Lueg Jfpr ’;kxi;ent! and
th'd? variety o f flalaQdtic figures; Ifo r is that nearfeSty Serf u nw o rth y
o f ftQ,tice; But the ehief n au ira l.eu ri^H l'l^ f'C a rn io la is th e ^ k k e o f
Cirknitz, called b y Dr. Brown the ZircMihtzenKSfee. That^iivj&Ilef ;
informs us th a t it is about two Germany ®y.®niore -'than. !eighh‘»Englifh.
miles in length, b y four o f the latter in breadth. In the m onth
o f Ju n e the water defeends under ground, through many apertures
a t the b o ttom ; and in September it reafeends with confiderable
force ; thus yielding rich pafturage in furnmer, while in winter it
abounds with fifh. T h e calcareous hills and iflands o f Dalmatia contain
fimilar curiofities ; as the lake Jefero in the ifle o f Cherfo, which
44 €o\
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