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LÀTHYRUS magelkniciis.
Cape Horn or Lord Anson's Pea.
Linnean Class and Order. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOSiE. Juss. gen. p. 345.
L A TH Y R U S . Suprà fol. 37.
* Perennes, foliis unijugis, pedunculis multifloris.
L. magellanicus, suffruticosus, glaber, glaucus; foliis unijugis: foliolis ovatis
mucronatis coriaceis multinervils, stipulis ovato-sagittatis^ concavis ^ maxi-
mis, pedunculis multifloris folio longioribus, calycis dentibus superioribus
ovatis acuminatis, leguminlbus lineari-acinaciformibus compressis glabris
Latbyrus magellanicus. Lam. diet. 2. p. 708. Willd. sp. pl. 3. p . 1086.
Ait. hort. kew. ed. 2. v. 4. p. 309. Decand. prodr. p . 370. G. Don
gen. syst. gard. % bot. 2. p. 332.
L. Armitageanus. West in hort. birm. ■>
Pisum americanum. Mill. diet. ed. 7,
Plant perennial, snffruticose, evergreen, glabrous, glaucous,
covered with a blueish bloom. Stems scandent, 3 feet
high, triangular, and occasionally furrowed, rigid, hollow,
about the thickness of a writing quill, becoming woody at
the base. Leaves almost sessile, composed of a single pair of
ovate, mucronate, coriaceous, rigid, 7-nerved, reticulately
veined leaflets, an inch and a halflong, the margins cartilaginous
and somewhat repand ; the younger ones sparingly hairy
beneath. Stipules rather larger than the leaflets, ovate, sagittate,
mucronate, many-nerved, concave above, coriaceous,
rigid, the outer-side more developed; basal articulations large,
callous, of a paler green. Tendrils 3 or 5 inches long, rigid,
semicylindrical, thickened towards the base, with 5 or 7 subulate,
spirally twisted ramifications. Peduncles longer than the
leaves, slightly 5-angular, glaucous, rigid, many-flowered.
Flowers 6 or 7 racemose, singly or in pairs, collected into
two verticils. Bractes very short, membranous, caducous.
Calyx campanulate, ventricose, glabrous, veiny, pale purple
above ; 3 lower teeth lanceolate, acuminate, slightly hairy a t
the apex ; 2 upper ones shorter, broader, ovate, acuminate,
rather connivent. Corolla pale violet; vexillum broad, veiny,
cloven at the top ; wings obovate, connivent, and closing over
the keel to which they adhere ; keel cucullate, obtuse, shorter
than the wings ; claws of the petals linear, white. Stamens