CROCUS suaveolens.
Fragrant Crocus.
L i . . , « , Cia„ .» i O r i« . TRIANDEIA MONOGYNIA.
N . lu n l Order. II1IDEÆ. I r .w n p ro * . U p. 302.
CROCUS. Suprà fol. 98.
C. suaveolens, foliis synanthiis; scapo vaginato; spa^a
corollæ glabra, celluloso-lutea ; stigmate breviter trífido. Bertol. Jl. ital.
Crocus Imperati. Coll. hort. ripul. app. 4. p.
C. vernus a. Sebast. et Maur.Jl. rom. prodr. p. 16.
Zfemabnlbiform, round, covered with
coat, and sending down one or two long, fleshy, fusiform
fibres. Leaves erect, narrow, linear, revolute at the margin,
furnished above with a broad white line, and below with a
depressed keel, about the length of the flowers, varying from
half a line to a line in breadth. Sheaths ohiuse, membranous,
white. Spathes monophyllous, acute. Bhwer rather smaller
than in C. Imperati. Tube long, slender, marked in the
upper part with purple lines. Lm b pale purple; segments
oiate-ohlong, obtuse: or acute, the 3 inner ones of a uniform
colour, outer 3 paler and yellowish behind, frequently marked
with 3 purple stripes. Faux naked, deep_ yellow
nale yellow. Anthers sagittate, emarginate at the apex,
twice as long as the filaments. Stigma about as long as the
stamens, trifid, orange, the segments folded and tubular,
slio-htly lobed and fringed at the apex. x-r
This very pretty vernal Crocus is found wild about Rome
and in other parts of Italy, and was first recognized as a
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