NEMOPHILA insignis.
Opposite-leaved Nemophila.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. HYDROPHYLLEeE. Brown. Bentham in linn, trans.
\1 .p . 272.
N EM O PH ILA . Calycis sinus dentibus reflexis appendiculati. Squamce
corollince 10, breves, vel nullse. »SiamiMa corolla subbreviora. Placenta;
maximee, dorso liber®, ovarium, 2 -12-ovulatse.
Herb® annuce, diffusce, fragiles. Folia inferiora apposita, omnia pinnati-
fida. Pedunculi nunc axillares, uniflori, nunc pauci ad apices ramorum
in racemis brevibus dispositi. Bentham in 1. c. 17. p. 274.
N. insignis, petiolis exappendiculatis, corollis calyce duplo longioribus, placentis
10-12-ovulatis. Bentham in I. c. 275.
Nemophila insignis. Dougl. MSS. Bentham in hort. trans, n. s. l.y>. 479
The whole herb is of a pale green, and slightly clothed
with recumbent bristly hairs. Root fibrous, annual. Stems
procumbent, branched, filiform, from a span to a foot long.
Leaves opposite, pinnatifid, an inch or 2 inches long ; lobes
4 or 8, oblong, blunt, mostly entire, but occasionally with
one or three teeth. Petioles very short, narrow, channelled
above. Peduncles axillary, solitary, longer than the leaves,
filiform. Calyx 5-cle ft; segments ovate-lanceolate, acute,
the sinuses produced into short, obtuse, reflexed appendages.
Corolla cup-shaped, 5-lobed, nearly an inch across, of a
pale azure, the centre white; lobes rounded, eutire, spreading;
squamiform appendages, 2-lobed, fringed. Stamens 5,
shorter than the corolla. Filaments awl-shaped, glabrous,
white. Anthers sagittate, 2-celled, dark-brown, the cells
separated and slightly divergent at the base. Ovarium globose,
hairy, with about 20 ovula. Style bifid, hairy at the
base. Stigmas obtuse. Capsula globose, crowned by the