I. í
CLÉMATIS florida ; var. Sieboldü.
Siebold’s Flowering Virgin s-bower.
Linnean Class and Order. POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA.
Natural Order. RANUNCULACEÆ. Trib. I. Clematide« . Decand.
syst. l.p . 131.
CL EM A TTS. Suprà fol. 217.
Sect. 2. ViTlCELLA. Involucrum et petala nulla. Caudæ breves, imberbes.
Folia ternatlm secta v. decomposita. Caules scandentes.
C./orirfa, pedunculis unifloris folio longioribus, foliis triternatim partitis : segmentis
cordatis 3-lobis : lobis ovatis acutis integerrimis, sepalis rbombeo-
ovatis acutis.
Clematis florida. Thunh. fi. jap. p. 2 4 9 . Lam. diet. 2 . p. 4 5 . Ait. hort.
kew. ed. I. V . 2 . p . 258. Willd. sp.pl. 2 . p. 1287. Andr. bot. rep. t.
402. Sims in bot. mag. t. 834. Decand. syst. 1. p. 160. prodr. 1. p. 8.
G. Don gen. syst. gard. §■ bot. l.p . 9.
Atragene indica. Desf. tabi. ed. l .p . 123.
ß. plena, flore pleno.
Clematis florida ß. G. Don I. c. \. p. 9.
C. florida. Jacq. hort. schcenbr. 3. p. 57. t. 357.
y. Sieboldü, ñove multiplici purpurato.
C. Sieboldü. Hort.
Stems slender, scandent, 5-angular, the younger branches
finely hairy. Leaves triternately parted, the segments cordate
and unequally 3-lobed ; lobes ovate, acute, entire, ciliated,
dark green and nearly glabrous above, paler, glossy
and hairy beneath, reticulately veined, the two lateral lobes
oblique with unequal sides, the middle one larger and more
regular. Peduncles filiform, angular, finely pubescent, 4 or
5 inches long. Sepals 5, rhombeo-ovate, acute, attenuated
at the base into a short claw, membranous, petaloid, of a
greenish white, furnished with live nerves, which are approximated
towards the centre, the veins dichotomously branched,
two inches long, and about an inch broad at the middle, the
sides partly deflexed. Petals disposed in many series, cuneately
lanceolate, or linear, rather acute, recurved and