I r.: Aft
Dih^yJJiiJfli'Ciy BjotW. Ja iilSH .
DELPHINIUM tenuissimum.
Slender-branched Larkspur.
Linnean Class and Order. POLYANDRIA TRIGYNIA.
Natural Order. RANUNCULACE^. Juss. gen. p. 23\.
d e l p h i n i u m . Suprà fol. 309.
Sect. 1. C on so lid a . Ovarium 1. Petala 4 in 1 coalita; calcar internum
1-petalum. Species annum. Decand- syst. \ .p . 341. prodr. 1. p. 51.
D. tenuissimum, pubescens; caule p a n i c u l a t o divaricato, pedicellis capillaribus
in medio bracteolatis, calcare recto sepalis ter longiore, folbculo semiovato
Sibth. et Sm. fl. græc. 6 . t. 505. prodr. 1. p. 370.
Delphinium tenuissimum.
D e c a n d . syst. l . p . 345. prodr. 1. p. 52.
D divaricatum. Ledeb. in Fisch. et Mey. ind. sem. hort. imper.petrop. 1835,
p . 7 .
The whole plant minutely pubescent. Root fibrous,
annual. Stem slender, much branched, about a foot high.
Branches filiform, spreading. Leaves deeply divided into
narrow, linear, acute segments. Petioles almost nhiorin.
Peduncles 2 or 3 inches long, filiform. Flowers of a rich
purple, rather smaller than in F . Consolida. Sepals lanceo-.
late, rather acute, clothed externally with adpressed pubescence
• 2 inner ones more obtuse. Petal solitary, broad,
cucullate, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes rounded, connivent, and
dark purple, the middle one erect, cloven, paler, with folded
edges. Spur straight, subulate, longer than the flower, the
internal one mouopetaloiis. Filaments dilated, white, attenuated
upwards. P k til 1. Ovarium pubescent, silky.
Style cylindrical, glabrous. Stigma obtuse. lollicle semi-
ovate, acuminate, recurved, nearly glabrous, with 4 or 5
round, wrinkled, black seeds. „ . , a i
A very distinct and delicate species ot Larkspur, tirst