POINCIANA Gilliesii.
D r . Gillws’s Flower-fence.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOSiE. Juss. gen. p . 345.
Earn. IV. CISALPINE«. B row n g e n .r em .p .\9 . cong.p. \9.
PO IN C IA N A . Calycis sépala 5 insequalia basi in cupulam subpersistentem
coalita, inferiore fornicato. Pétala 5 stipitata, supenore_ difformi, ista-
mina 10 longissima, omnia fecunda, filamentis basi hirsutis. Stylus \oa-
gissimus. Legumen plano-corapressum bivalve subniultiloculare istbmis
spongiosis. Semina obovata cornpressa, endopleura in aqua gelatinosa,
cotyledonibus planis, plumulá ovali.
Frútices aut Arbores elegantissima:, aculeata: aut inermes._ Folia abrupté
bipinnata. Flores paniculato-corymbosi. Pedicelli longi basi ebracteati.
Decand. prodr. 2. p. 483. , , -r
Obs. Heec species genus novum fortè constituere meretur ob pétala subsessiba
conformia et legumen exsuccum. D. Don Mss.
P. Gilliesii, inermls; foliolis oblongis, calycibus dentatis glandulosls, petalis
integri» subsessilibus, leguminibus exsuccis arcuatis.
Poinciana Gilliesii. Hooker in bot. mise. 1. p. 129. t. 34. ibid. 3. p. 2ÜÖ.
G. Don gen. syst. gard. ^ bot. 2.p. 433,
Caesalpinia Gilliesii. Wall. Mss.
An erect, slender, branched tree, rising to the height of 8
or 10 feet. Branches round, covered with a green bark
marked with brown specks, and rough from the persistent
bases of the stipules, the younger ones slightly angular,
finely pubescent, especially at the extremity, and copiously
furnished with dark-red capitate_ glands. Zeares alternate,
scattered, abruptly or impari-blpinnate, 7 or 8 inches
spreading ; pinnae about 9 pair, nearly opposite, stalked,
abrupt; leaflets from 12 to 16 pair, stipitate, oblong-elliptical,
obsoletely mucronulate, flat, even, 4 or 5 lines long, rounded
and rather unequal at the base, glabrous, glaucous green,
paler and marked with black marginal dots beneath. Boot-
stalks and Rhachis, both general and partial, filiform wiry
glabrous, varnished, sparingly glandular, thickened and
jointed at the base. Flowers large, yellow, m a terminal,
corymbose raceme. Peduncles about an inch and a hail long,
cylindrical, pale green, copiously beset with elevated capitate
brown glands, the heads of which are excavated at the top.