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CLINTÒNIA pulchella.
P re tty Clintonia.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Naturai Order. LOBELIACEÆ. Juss. in ann. mus. \8. p.
CLIN TONIA . Calycis tubo longissimo, adhærenti; limbo 5-partito, patenti.
Corollæ tubo brevissimo, turbinato ; limbo bilabiato ; labio superiore
profundè bipartito ; inferiore 3-lobo. Stamina 5, monadelpha,
incurva. A «¿/»eroe in tubum connata; ; 2 araferiores apice miisetosæ. Ovarium
elongatum, ùVìiorme, 1-2-loculare. Siir/ma bilobum, revolutum. Capsula
siliquiformis, membranacea, in valvulis 2-3 longitudinalitèr dehiscens,
Herbæ (californicæ) annuoe, procumbentes, ramosissime. Eolia sparsa, parva,
integra. Vlores axillares, solitarii, per caulem racemi instar dispositi.
Obs. Genus a Lobelia præcipuè distinguitur capsulâ longissimâ filiformi lono-i-
tudinalitèr dehiscente.
C. pulchella, foliis lineari-lanceolatis obtusis, corolla calyce reflexo duplò longiore,
ovariis filiformibus bilocularibus foliis 6-plò longioribus.
Clintonia pulchella. Lindl. mss.
P lan t slender, procumbent, glabrous, much branched.
Root fibrous, annual. Leaves distantly alternate, linear-lanceolate,
obtuse, entire, fleshy, green, slightly channelled,
spreading or recurved, scarcely half-an-inch long, the lower
ones broader and sparingly toothed. Flowers axillary, solitary,
sessile, somewhat racemose. Calyx the tube very long,
the limb 5-partite, spreading, with linear, obtuse, nearly
equal segments. Corolla the tube very short, turbinate,
dark p u rp le ; limb bilab ia te ; upper lip bipartite, with lanceolate,
acute, pale azure, spreading segments; lower lip
three-lobed, the upper half pale azure, lower half white, furnished
with a large, broadly cuneiform yellow spot in the
centre, and with three smaller rounded dark purple spots
at the base ; lobes rounded, concave, rather conduplicate,
keeled behind. Stamens 5, monadelphous, incurved. Filaments
glabrous, pale blue, dilated, and compressed. Anthers