Two-coloured Siphocampylus.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Naturai Order. LOBELIACEÆ. Juss. in ann. mus. 18.p. 1.
SIPHOCAMPYLUS. Calyx tubo hemisphærico : limbo brevi, 5-dentato.
Corolla tubo elongato, declinato, integro : limbo 5-fido, bilabiato. Fila-
menta monadelpba. Antheroe coalitæ, apice penicillatæ. Ovarium
omninò adbærens. Capsula globosa, 2-locularis, apice debiscens.
Plantæ (Amer. Merid.) suffruticosoe. Folia alterna, petiolata. Flores axillares,
solitarii, pedunculati, raro subracemosi, rubri.
S. bicolor, foliis lanceolatis acuminatis inæquabtèr serrulatis glabris basi attenuatis,
floribus axillaribus solitariis, pedunculis medio blbracteolatis corollis duplò
P lan t perennial, suffruticose. Stems erect, rather feeble,
branched, about 3 feet high. Branches slightly angular,
finely pubescent, especially towards the apex. Leaves distantly
alternate, petiolate, lanceolate, acuminate, even and
membranous, finely and unequally serrated, with pointed
teeth, attenuated at the base, 3 inches long, bright green
above, rather paler and glabrous beneath, the younger ones
slightly pubescent, especially on their upper surface.
Petioles very short, being scarcely more than two lines long,
semicylindrical, channelled above. Flowers axillary, solitary,
pedunculate. Peduncles slender, filiform, pubescent,
shorter than the leaves, and furnished about the middle with
two small, alternate, lanceolate, acuminate, adpressed, ciliated
bracteolae. Calyx the tube heniisphserical, pubescent, gre en ;
teeth 5, short, lanceolate, acute, ciliated, erect, equal, the
edges slightly recurved. Corolla more than an inch long,
slightly recurved ; tube cylindrical, scarlet, entire, but
ultimately splitting along the upper s id e ; limb bilabiate,
yellow, of five, linear-lanceolate, acute, nearly equal segments.
Stamens 5, monadelphous. Filaments cohering,
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