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Douglas’s Limnanthes.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. LIMNANTHE.®. Brown in phil. mag. J u ly , \833, p . l \ .
L IM N A N TH E S . Calyx 5-partitus. Petala 5, calyce longiora, eestiva-
tione contorta. Stamina \0. Ovaria 6.
Herba (californica) foliis bipinnatifidis, pinnis oppositis segmentis alternis.
Br. I.e. p. 71.
L. Douglasii. Br. I. c . p . l l . Benth. in hort. trans. v. 1. ri. s. ^ .4 0 9 .
Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 1673.
The whole plant glabrous, of a grass green, slightly pungent
to the taste. ZooZ fibrous, annual. /»Zems ascending, about
a span high, branched, cylindrical, glossy, rather succulent.
Leaves alternate, petiolate, pinnately partite, 2 inches long ;
segments ovate, inciso-pinnatifid, with lanceolate, mucronulate
teeth, marked above with conspicuous nerves ; upper
cauline ones nearly sessile, with lanceolate, mostly undivided
segments. Flowers axillary, solitary. Peduncles filiform, 2
inches long, slightly attenuated towards the apex. Calyx
deeply 5-cleft, with ovate-lanceolate, acute, entire, even,
equal lobes, valvate in æstivation. Petals 5, alternating
with the calycine lobes, obcordate, nearly double the length
of the calyx, the lower half of a bright yellow, the upper
half white, traversed by several dichotomously branched
nerves; æstivation twisted. Stamens 10, suhperigynous,
shorter than the corolla. Filaments subulate, glabrous,
yellow, the 5 exterior ones rather longer, and furnished at
the base with a fleshy gland. Anthers bilocular, extrorse,
yellow, the cells parallel, opening longitudinally, and
inserted on an oblong connectivum. Ovarium deeply 5-
lobed; lobes oblong, obtuse, free, with a solitary, erect