Ó ROBUS hirsutus.
Hairy Bitter-Vetch.
Linnean Class and Order. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOSiE. Juss. gen. p. 345.
OB. OB US. Supra fol. 115.
* Foliis unijugis.
O hirsutus, hirsutus ; foiioiis ovato-ianceolatis acuminatis nervosis, stipulis in-
¡equaÍlt¡r sagittato-ovatis folióla subiequantibus, racemis paucifloris, lacmus
ca vcinls subulatis elongatis subaequalibus, leguminlbus compressis hirsutis.
Orobus hirsutus. Linn. sp. pi. p. 1027. Willd. sp. pi. 3. p. 1072. Marsch,
à Bieb. fi. taur. cauc. 2. p. 152. Smith prodr. fl. graie. 2. p. 63. Sims
in bot. mag. t. 2345. Decand- prodr. 2. p. 376. G. Don gen. syst.
gard. ^ bot. 2. p. 338.
O. laxiflorus. Desf.in ann. mus. 12. p. 57. t. 8.
O. lathyroides. HaW. íarír. p. 125.
O. caule simplicissimo, foliolis binis ovatis. Linn. hort. cliff. p. 366.
O . creticus latifolius incanus. Tournef. cor. p . 25.
O . latifolius tepens, flore cceruleo, foliis et siliquis hirsutis. Boerh. lugdb. 2.
O. sylvaticus, foliis circa caulera articulatis. Baxb. cent. 3. p. 22. t. 41.
The whole plant copiously clothed with soft, white, spreading
hairs. Root perennial. Stems many, about a span
high, ascending, quadrangular. Leaves composed of a
single pair of ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, membranous,
pale green, nerved leaflets, an inch or more in length,
glaucous b en e a th ; terminal one a very short, straight,
simple bristle. Stipules large, ovate, acuminate, sagittate
at the base, with unequal pointed lobes. Racemes axillary,
solitary, few-flowered. Peduncles square, longer than- the
leaves!^ Calyx campanulate, striated, with 5, long, linear,
pointed, hairy, equal teeth. Vexillum orbicular, slightly
notched, purple, veiny, glabi’ous, spreading, the claw white,
glabrous, convolute, furnished above with two elevated