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SÁRACHA viscosa.
Clammy Saracha.
Linnean Class and Order PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
s S r i f e t o X i t a . ^ Stamraa 5, erecta, æqualia A n iW biloculares,
lonfotudinaliter déhiscentes. Stigma capitatum. _ Bacca bilocularis, poly-
snema calvce semivestita. Semina reniformia, nidulantia. .
H e rb rX u v ia iL ) annuce V. suffruticosoe, foliis alternis petiolatis integris,
floribus umhelldtis-
S. viscosa, glanduloso-pubescens; foliiscordatis acuminatis sinuato-dentatls, corollæ
fauce lanata, caule suffruticoso.
Root fibrous. Stem suffruticose, erect, about a foot high,
dichotomously branched, with triangular branches, and hke
the other parts of the plant thickly c othed with glandular
clammy hairs. Leaves alternate, stalked, cordate, acuminate,
ribbed and veiny beneath, pale green, sinuosely lobed
with several large, triangular, pointed teeth, or sometimes
wholly entire, 5 inches long, and about the same in breadth.
Footstalks h o m 2 io 6 inches long, nearly cylindrical, slightly
flattened and marked above with a shallow furrow. Uvibels
solitary, nearly sessile, in the forks of the branches, of from
3 to 5 flowers. Pedicels half an inch long, filiform, clammy.
Calyx large, leafy, 5-cleft, shallow-campanulate, 5-angular,
with ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 3-nerved, green segments.
Corolla rotate, larger than the calyx, white, nearly an inch
and a half across, with 5 ovate-triangular, acute lobes, val-
vate in testivation, downy and clammy beneath, naked above
and marked towards the base with numerous olive-coloured
spots; tube very short and wide, and furnished at the mouth
with a thick circle of woolly hairs, and below with 5 nectariferous
pits. Stamens 5, erect, inserted into the tube, about