C0WÀN1A plickta.
Plaited-haved Cowania.
Linnean Class and Order. ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA.
Natural Order. ROSACEÆ. G. Don. gen. syst. gard. §• bot. 2. p. 523.
COWANIA. Calyx 5-fidus. Petala 5. Ovaria 5—^14: ovulo erecto.
Styli terminales, continui. Achenia stylis plumosis persistentibus aristata.
Embryo erectus.
Frútices (mexicani) ramosissimi, foliosi, sempervirentes. Folia lobata,
coriacea. Stipulæ adhoerentes. Flores in apice ramulorum solitarii,
subsessiles, rubri, speciosi.
C. plicata, îoVàs cuneato-oblongis pinnatifidis plicatis, ovarüs 14.
A rigid, evergreen, decumbent, much branched shrub,
about two feet high, and furnished with a dark brown bark.
Branches copiously clothed with stalked glands, scaly below
from the remains of past leaves. Leaves cuneately oblong,
pinnatifid, plicate, half an inch or more in length, dark
green, minutely glandular, and shining above, white and
downy beneath, with adpressed cottony pubescence, the
nerves promin en t; lobes varying from five to seven, short,
obtuse, the margins revolute and occasionally toothed.
Petioles very short, slightly channelled above, sheathing at
the base. Stipules adherent, the free apices subulate, hairy,
green, shorter than the adherent portion. Flowers terminal,
solitary, when in the bud state exactly like those of Rosa.
Peduncles scarcely a nail long, cylindrical, thickened towards
the apex, copiously downy and glandular, and furnished at
the base with a single, linear, acuminate, channelled, glandular
bracte. Calyx turbinate, hollow, copiously downy,
and glandular; tube glabrous, shining, and green within ;
limb 5-parted, spreading ; segments ovate, acuminate,
entire. Petals five, obovate, double the length of the calycine
segments, of a rich lilac. Stamens 72, disposed in
many series. Filaments capillary, glabrous, white, pink at
the base. Anthers cordate, yellow, bilocular, the cells