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DATÙRA guayaquilensis.
Guayaquil Thorn-Apple.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. SOLANEÆ. Brown prodr. I . p. 443.
D A TU R A . Calyx tubulosus, 5-angulatus, 5-dentatus, basi circumcissâ
deciduus. Corolla infundibuliformis, 5-plicata, 5-loba: lobis cuspidatis.
Stigma crassum, bilobum. Capsula 2-locularis, 4-valvis, polysperma.
Placenta septiformes. Semina reniformia.
Herbæ (Americæ calidioris) foliis indivisis petiolatis, floribus alaribks albis v.
purpuréis, fructibus erectis sæpiùs muricatis.
D. guayaquilensis ; berbacea ; foliis ovatis, subacutis, basi ineequalibus, integerrimis,
obsolete sinuatis, utrinque glanduloso-pubescentibus ; corolla
infundibuliformi, lobis quinqué dentibus bamatis alternantibus ; capsulis
muricato-spinosis, pendulis.
Datura guayaquilensis. Kunth, syn. pl. aquin. 2. p. 151. Spreng. syst. i. p.
627. Loisel. Deslon. in diet, des seien, nat. 12.p. 531.
“ iZooí annual. Stem (3 feet high) herbaceous,erect,round,
unequally dichotomous, slightly reddened, densely covered'
with soft glandular pubescence of unequal length. Leaves
(9 inches long, 4^ broad) petiolate, ovate, obscurely sinuate,
very unequal at the base, one or two of the lower ones
only, and those on the young plant, being generally equal,
suhacute, glanduloso-pubescent on both sides, bright green
above, paler below, strongly veined, the veins prominent
behind ; petioles round, with a groove above, half as long as
the leaves. Flowers in the cleft of the stem, erect, peduncled;
peduncle (1 inch long) round, stout, erect, becoming cernuous
as soon as the flower fades. Calyx (3 inches long)
green, covered with pubescence similar to that on the leaves,
5-toothed, the teeth unequal, acute. Corolla twice as long
as the calyx, funnel-shaped, with minute glandular pubescence,
white in the upper half, green in the lower, plicate ;
tube strongly rib b ed ; limb erect, 5-lobed, lobes subacute,
at the bottom of each of the shallow sinuses between the lobes
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