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PHALÂNGIUM pomeridianum.
Afternoon-flowering Phalangium.
Linnean Class and Order. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. ASPHODELEÆ. Brown prodr. \. p. 214.
PHA LANOIUM. Perianthium 6-partitum, patens, oequale, decicluum.
Stamina 6. Filamenta subulata, glabra. Stylus filiformis. Stigma
indivisum, v. levitèr 3-lobum. Ovarii loculis polyspermis. Capsula 3-
locularis. Semina pauca, angulata, umbilico nudo.
Herbæ glabra, rarò bulbosa. Folia linearia, plana, plerumque radicalia.
Inflorescentià racemosa v. paniculata. Pedicelli medio articulati.
D. Don. mss.
P . pomeridianum, bulbosa ; scapo ramoso, stigmate levitèr 3-lobo, capsulis
subrotundis, foliis flaccidis carinatis margine scabris.
Antbericum pomeridianum. Ker in bot. reg. t. .564. Schult.Jil. syst. l .p . 415.
Scilla pomeridiana. Decand. hort. monsp.p. 143. Poir. diet, suppl. 5 .p . 89.
Redout. IH. ¿.421.
Bulb oblong-conical, covered with brown fibrous scales.
Scape erect, slender, branched, solid, glabrous and shining,
very tough and flexible, green, slightly angular at the apex.
Leaves linear-lorate, flaccid, from a span to a foot long,
channelled above, keeled beneath, rough at the margins.
Flowers paniculate, scentless. Peduncles compressed, an
inch long, furnished at the base with a white, scariose,
lanceolate, acuminate, keeled, persistent bracte. Perianthium
deeply six-parted ; segments linear-oblong, obtuse,
recurved and spreading, white, faintly purplish on the
outside before expansion, the keel green and but slightly
prominent. Stamens six, erect and divergent, shorter than
the perianthium. Filaments subulate, white, glabrous.
Anthers linear, incumbent, yellow, composed of two parallel
connate cells opening lengthways. Ovarium globose, green,
3-celled, 3-sided, marked outside with six pale-coloured
lin e s ; cells furnished with many ovula. Style filiform,
slender, white, slightly curved, the length of the stamens.