NEMOPHILA atomaria.
Dotted-flowered Nemophila.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. HYDROPHYLLEÆ. Br. Benth. in linn. trans. 17.
p. 272.
N EM O PH ILA . Suprà fol. 329.
N. atomaria, foliis oppositis pinnatifidis : lobis (5—9) subintegemmis ; pedunculis
axillaribus elongatis ; corollæ rotatæ fundo pilosissimæ lacmus obovatis ;
placentis subdecemovulatis ; seminibus strophiolatis lævibus. Fisch. et
Mey. ind. sem. hort. imper, petrop. 1835, p. 43.
Root fibrous, annual. Stems about a span long, procumbent,
filiform, dichotomously branched, pale green, sparingly
clothed with reversed bristly hairs. Leaves stalked, oblong,
inciso-pinnatifid, with short, ovate, mucronulate, even lobes,
more copiously hairy, green on both sides, but paler and
rather glossy beneath, half an inch lo n g ; upper ones opposite.
Petioles linear, winged. Flowers solitary. Peduncles
slender, filiform, an inch and a half long, clothed with short,
reversed, bristly hairs. Calyx campanulate, hairy, green,
with erect, ovate-lanceolate, mucronulate segments; sinuses
prolonged into an awl-shaped, reflexed appendage, scarcely
one-third the length of the calycine segments. _ Corolla
campanulate, one-third longer than the calyx, white, dotted
within with dark purple, lobes rounded, emarginate; tube
bristly within. Appendages very short, almost obsolete.
Stamens 5, shorter than the corolla. Filaments awl-shaped,
glabrous, white. Anthers cordate-oblong, obtuse, incumbent,
dark-purple, composed of two parallel connate cells, opening
longitudinally. Ovarium round, seated on a fleshy disk,
semibilocular, hairy. Style filiform, bristly, longer than the