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ZÈNOBIA speciosa.
Showy Zenobia.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Naturai Order. ERICACEiE. Subtrib. 2. Andromede«. D. Don in
edinb. phil. journ. July, 1834. y>. 152.
Z E N O B IA . Calyx 5-dentatus. Corolla campanulata: limbo revoluto, 5-
lobo. Stamina 10 : filamenta brevissima, glabra, basi dilatata : anthera:
loculis elongatis, tubulosis, apice biaristatis. Stigma truncatum. Capsula
loculicido-dehiscens. Placenta 5-loba : lobis cuneatis, crassis, subar-
cuatis. Semina angolata, liilo oblongo, laterali.
Frútices (Amer. boreal.) sempervirentes. Eolia sparsa, dilatata, margine
scepè dentata. Flores racemosi, pedicellis solitariis v. aggregatis. D.
Don in 1. c. p. 158.
Z. speciosa. D. Don in l. c. p. 158. O. Don, gen. syst. gard. ^ bot.
3. p. 830.
Andromeda speciosa. Mich.Jl. amer. bor. \. p.25Q. Pursh,fl. amer. \. p.
294. Lodd. bot. cab. t. 551.
A. cassineiblia. Vent.jard. de Cels. t. 60. Sims in bot. mag. t. 970. Ait.
hort. hew. 3. p. 52.
g. pulverulenta, foliis ramulisque pruinosis.
Andromeda pulverulenta. Bartr. trav. p.AlQ. t. 1. Sims inbot.mag.t.QQl.
Ait. hort. hew. 3.p. 52. Vent. malm. t. 79. (optima.)
An evergreen branching shrub, rising to the height of a
yard or more. Branches cylindrical, glabrous, angular
towards the top, especially the younger ones, clothed with
a smooth, glossy, pale chesnut bark. Leaves alternate,
scattered, stalked, elliptical, mucronulate, crenulate, coriaceous,
reticulately veined, dark green above, paler beneath,
glabrous and shining on both sides, often covered, particularly
the younger ones, with a blueish bloom, 2 inches long,
an inch or more in width, rather acute at the base. Petioles
3 or 4 lines long, nearly cylindrical, slightly channelled
above, glabrous, in the older leaves wrinkled. Flowers 5 or
6, in axillary fascicles, pedunculate, pendulous. Peduncles
filiform, blueish green, an inch long, glabrous, naked, surrounded
at the b^ase by several short, ovate, mucronulate,
concave, finely ciliated, squamiform, imbricated bractes.