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LYCIUM afrum.
African Box Thorn.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. SO LA N E ^ . Brown prodr. \. p. 443.
LYCIUM. Calyx campanulatus, 5-dentatus, quandoque uno latere fissus.
Corolla tubulosa, 5-loba, aestivatione imbricata : fauce filamentis barbatis
clausa. AntliercB cordatm, b i l o c u l a r e s , longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Stigma
capitatum, levlter bilobum. Bacca bilocularis, polysperma, calyce suffulta.
reniformia . . . , . ■ u i-
Frútices (Orbis temperatis locis aridisque incoli) ramosissimi, sape pinosi. _ Folia
alterna v. fasciculata, integerrima. Flores solitarii, pedunculati, pur-
L. afrum. ramis strictis spinosis, foliis fasciculatis linearibus obtusis carnosis,
corollà calyce ter longiore, staminibus inclusis, baccis globosis.
Lyclum afrum, Linn. sp. pi. p. 277. hort. cliff.p. 57. hort.ups.p. 47. Mill,
ic. t. 171. / . 1. (bona.) Trew. ehret. 4. t. 24. f . 2. Murr. comm. gcett.
1119. p. 12. Plenck t. 127. Lam. ili. t. 1 1 2 ./. 1. Willd. sp. pi. 3. p.
1057. Buham. arb. ed. nov. p. 107-110. Persoon syn. 1. p. 231. Willd.
en. 1. p. 245. Rcem. et Schult, syst. 4. p. 690.
Jasminoides africanum, jasmini aculeati foliis et facie. Niss. act. par. \ 1 \ \ . p.
420. ¿.12. . . i r
Jasmlnoides aculeatum humile, Halimi roinoris folio, flore majori violaceo, fructu
crassiore per maturitatem flavescente. Mich. gen. p. 224. t. 105./. 2.
Rhamnus alter, foliis salsis, flore purpureo. Bauh. pin. p. 477.
An erect, much branched, rigid, thorny shrub, clothed
with a grey-coloured bark, and rising to the height of 10
feet. Branches angular, leafy, the smaller ones frequently
spinose at the top. Leaves fasciculate, sessile, linear, obtuse,
entire, fleshy, channelled above, of a glaucous hue, attenuated
towards the base, half an inch or more in length. Flowers
solitary, pedunculate, erect. Peduncles filiform, glabrous,
scarcely half an inch long. Calyx 4 lines long, campanulate,
glabrous, shining, 5-toothed, occasionally cloven at one
sid e ; the teeth short, equal, semi-ovate, acute, finely pubescent
at the border. Corolla tubular, thrice longer than the
calyx, livid purple and greenish outwardly, paler within, and
slightly pubescent, the limb divided into 5 rounded, equal,