Thomas’s Cinquefoil.
Linnean Class and Order. ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA.
Natural Order. ROSACEiE.
P O T E N T IL L A . Suprà fol. 43.
** Foliis pedato-partitis, toro villoso.
P. Thomasii, caule erecto corymboso hirsute, foliis radicalibus quinato-partitis :
segmentis obovato -oblongis inciso-serratis rugosis subtùs cano-tomentosis ;
caulinis lanceolatis subpinnatifidis, petalis obcordatis calyce longioribus, toro
villoso, carpellis glabris postlce carinatis.
Potentina Thomasii. Decand. prodr. 2. p. 576. G. Don. gen. syst. gard.
bot. 2. p. 553.
P. De Thomasii. Ten. prodr. suppl. I. p. 6 \ . f i . nap. 1. p. 285. t. 44.
Root perennial. Stem about a foot high, erect, hollow,
filiform, corymbose, copiously clothed with short pubescence,
intermixed with long villous hair. Leaves, the radical ones
on semicylindrical, channelled, hairy footstalks of two mches
in length, quinately parted; segments obovate-oblong, P J
serrated, with broad mucronulate teeth, green and wrmkkd
above, downy and hoary beneath, from an inch to two inches
lo n g ; upper cauline ones sessile, ternately parted, with lanceolate,
acute, deeply cut, somewhat pinnatifid segments.
Stipules tripartite, hairy, membranous, with lanceolate, acute
lobes. Calyx copiously hairy, 10-clef^ with lanceolate,
acute segments, furnished on each side with a linear tooth ;
accessory ones rather shorter, scarcely more than half the
width of the primary ones, and perfectly entire. Petals
lemon-coloured, broadly obcordate, longer than the calyx.
Stamens 24 or 30, disposed in 5 or 6 series. Filaments short,
awlshaped, glabrous, pale yellow. Anthers orange, inserted
hy their base, and composed of two parallel, connate cells,
T i ib b y .T R i.^ v ta y z t-fo n r J h r t.2 8 3 7 .
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