‘ I
GALLICHRÒA platyglkssa.
Broad-rayed Callichroa.
Natural Order. COMPOSITÆ. Trib. IV. SENECIONIDEÆ. Subtrib.
V. Hf.lenieæ. Div. 3. Madieæ. Decand. prodr. 5. p. 691.
CALLICHROA. Capitulum multiflorum, heterogamum, radio foemineo, sub-
blssriali. Achenia obfusiformia ; radii glabra, magis compressa, apice
calva, disco elevato, truncato, foliolis involucri exterloribus obvoluta ; disci
villosa, papposa. Pappus setaceus, denticulato-scaber, uniserialis. Involucrum
duplici ordine polyphyllum, subæquale. Rhachis depressa, ebracteolata,
Herba (californica) annua, erecta, fo liis alternis sessilibus, capitulis terminalibus
solitariis pedunculatis, radio ampio cuneato 3-lobo aureo.
Obs. Genus Madaroglossse ut videtur proximum, sed radio involucroque biserialibus,
pappo multiradiato, atque rbachide epaleato abundè differt. D.
Don Mss.
C. platyglossa.
Callichroa platyglossa. Fisch. et Mey. ind. sem. hort. imp. petrop. 1835, p. 31.
Root fibrous, annual. Stem erect, branched, filiform,
ahout a foot high, and together with the rest of the plant
copiously hairy. Leaves alternate, sessile, linear, rather
obtuse, hairy, from half an inch to an inch lo n g ; lower ones
toothed or ])innatifid, with distinct lobes; upper perfectly
entire. Capitula terminal, solitary, pedunculate. Peduncles
3 inches long, rather thickened at the apex. Involucrum
polyphyllous in a double series ; outer leaves linear, obtuse,
hairy, convolute at the base and inclosing the tube of the
ray-'florets, flat and spreading above; inner series shorter,
erect. Rhachis depressed, slightly pitted and fringed.
Rays from 10 to 13, female; tube narrow, compressed,
hairy, green ; lamina broad, cuneiform, of a golden yellow,
trifid, with blunt spreading lobes ; florets of the disk
crowded, hermaphrodite, funnel-shaped; tube cylindrical,
h a iry ; limb campanulate, shorter than the tube, with 5