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LOBÉLIA Cardinklis ; var. Millkri.
Miller’s Lohelia.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA
Natural Order. LOBELIACEiE. Juss. in ann. mus. 18. 1.
LO BE LIA . Suprà fol. 86.
L. Cardinalis, erecta, simplex, glabriuscula ; foliis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis
cartilaoineo-denticulatis, racemo terminali subsecundo folioso, genitalibus co-
rolla longioribus.
Lobelia Cardinalis. Linn, sp.pl. p. 1320. Willd. sp. p l . l . p . 944. Knorr.
delie. 2. t. L. 2. Curt. hot. mag. f. 320. Persoon. syn. 2. p .2 ìà .
Mich. fl. amer. 2. p. 151. Pursh. f l. amer. 2. p. 448. Spreng. syst.
1 p.712. Roem. et Schult, syst. 5. p.5Ú. G. Don gen. syst. gard. ^ bot.
3. p. 708. . . .
L. caule erecto, foliis lanceolatis obsoletè serratis, racemo terminatrici. Linn.
h o r t . cliff, p. 426. hort. ups. p. 216. Gron. virg.p. \34.
Rapuntium Cardinalis. Mill. diet. n. 1. _ _
R. galeatum, virginianuin, vel americanum, coccíneo flore majore. Moris, hist.
2. p. 466. sect. 5. t. 5. f. 54.
R. maximum, coccíneo spicato flore. Tournef. inst.^ p. 163.
Trachelium americanum, rubrum. Rati hist. p. 746.
Cardinalis Rivlni. R u p p jen . \. p . 201. . . .
y. Milleri, major; calycibus pubescentibus, corollis purpuréis, antbens cassis.
Lobelia Milleri. Hort.
Stem erect, angular, leafy, branched, green and glossy,
nearly glabrous, 3 feet high, and about the thickness of one’s
finger. Leaves alternate, sessile, lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous,
even and dark green above, paler and furnished beneath
with prominent ribs and veins, narrowed at the base,
from 3 to 9 inches long, and from 1 to 3 in w id th ; the
margins copiously furnished with small, irregular, pale,
cartilaginous te e th ; lower ones petiolate. Racemes spiciform,
terminal, erect, leafy, many-flowered. Bractes lanceolate,
acuminate, more strongly denticulate, slightly convolute,
much longer than the pedicels, which are copiously pubescent,
compressed, half an inch long, and furnished about the