Drummond’s Zephyranthes.
Linnean Class and Order. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. AMARYLLIDEzE. Brown prod. p. 1. 296.
Z E P H Y R A N TH E S . Suprà fol. 4.
Z. Drummondi, perianthii limbo coarctato tubo ter breviore; laciniis ovatis mu-
crottatls margine involutis, capsula subtriloba, foliis glaucis scapo brevioribus.
Bulb globose, about 3 inches in circumference, with a
short neck, clothed with a dark chocolate-brown coat. Scape
erect, a foot high, hollow, nearly cylindrical, but slightly
compressed and furrowed, glaucous green, thicker than a
writing quill. Leaves liuear-lorate, blunt, slightly falcate,
considerably shorter than the scape, glaucous, flattish, and but
slightly concave above, about the third of an inch broad.
Peduncle cylindrical, about half an inch in length. Spathe
thin, membranous, tubular, split at the top, pale-brown,
nerved, longer than the peduncle. Perianthium funnel-
shaped, white, tinged with pink ; segments ovate, pointed,
spreading, arranged in a double series, with involute edges;
tube nearly twice as long as the limb. Stamens 6. Anthers
yellow. Capsule 3-sided, almost 3-lobed, having 3 prominent,
blunt cells. Seeds bifarious.
An elegant bulbous plant gathered in Texas by the late
Mr. Thomas Drummond, to whose memory we have dedicated
the species. It appears to be related to Z. verecunda,
but it is essentially distinguished from it by its larger size,
much longer tube of its perianthium, and broader leaves.
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