two parallel connate cells, opening inwardly and lengtliways,
attached to a fleshy connectivuni which projects beyond them
into a point. Ovarium adherent, bilocular. Style very short,
stout, greenisli white, and slightly furrowed. Stigma green,
of two thick fleshy rounded lobes. Epigynous disk orbicular,
pale yellow, repand and sliglitly wavy at the margin.
Flowering specimens of this very handsome shrub were
communicated in July last, from the Birmingham Botanic
Garden, by Mr. Cameron, the zealous curator of that establishment.
It is common about Conception and Valparaiso
in Chile, and was introduced in 1831, from seeds collected in
that country by Mr. Cuming. A comparison of authentic
specimens from Ruiz and Pavon leaves no doubt of the
identity of our plant with their E . pulverulenta. Some of the
flowers in our specimens we remarked were ten-cleft, and
We know nothing of the constitution of the present species,
hut we presume it will be found to be quite as hardy as the
other species from the same country. The specific name
appears to have originated in a mistake, and could only refer
to the accidental circumstance of tlie viscid shoots and
leaves getting covered with dust.
The genus was named by Mutis after his pupil Escallon,
who communicated specimens of a number of new plants
from New Granada to Linnæus. D . Don.
I. Calyx and Pistil. 2. Corolla and Stamens.
3. Limb of the calyx with the disk magnified. 4 & 6. Stamens.