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Large-flowered Sisyrinchium.
Linnean Classami Order. MONADELPHIA TRIANDRIA.
Natural Order. IRIDEÆ. Brown prodr. l .p . 302.
S ISYR INCHIUM. Perianthium regulare, hexapetaloideo-partitum : segmentis
æqualibus. Stamina 3, monadelpba. Antheroe versatiles. Stigmata 3,
Simplicia. Capsula turbinato-trigona, 3-locularis, 3-valvis, polysperma.
Semina subrotunda, lævia, nigra.
Herbæ (americanse) radice fihrosd perennes. Scapus iurfiuisus. Folia Bweari-
ensiformia, collaterali-compressa, oequitantia. Inflorescentià fasciculata.
Spatha diphylla, multijlora. Flores colore varii.
S. grandiflorum, scapis foliisque teretibus fistulosis sulcatis, periantbii segmentis
obcordatis, filamentis ferè omninò connatis.
Sisyrinchium grandiflorum. Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 1364.
The whole herbage of a dull glaucous green. Rhizoma
short, truncate, throwing out numerous white fibres. Scapes
a span high, cylindrical, hollow, deeply furrowed, and somewhat
spirally convolute, furnished at the base with a few
imperfectly developed leaves. Leaves cylindrical, hollow,
furrowed and rather acute, the length of the scapes. Spathes
diphyllous, many-flowered, an inch and a half lo n g ; leaves
unequal, linear-lanceolate, obtuse, cucullate, folded, with
the edges smooth, white, and scariose; partial ones inclosed,
scariosely membranous. Peduncles slender, capillary, glabrous,
shorter than the spathes. Perianthium deeply 6-
partite, spreading, of a rich purple, the segments obcordate,
nearly an inch long, marked with five conspicuous, deeper-
coloured nerves. Stamens 3, monadelphous, shorter than,
and opposite the three outer segments of the perianthium.
Filaments glabrous, purple, connate below, upper half free
and white. Anthers linear-oblong, obtuse, emarginate,
incumbent, orange, extrorse, finally becoming spirally
twisted, composed of two, parallel, prominent cells, cons
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