IBÈRIS coronaria.
RocJiet Candytuft.
Natural Order. CRUCIFERiE. Subordo 1. PLEURORHIZE.E. Trib,
3. Thlaspideae seu Pleurorhizeee Angustiseptee. De Cand.syst. 2. 148.
prodr. 1. p. 175.
IB E R IS . Suprà fol. 6.
** Pedicellis fructiferis corymbosis, caulibus herbaceis annuis aut biennibus.
I. coronaria, pubescens, annua; foliis cuneatis obtusis dentatis, siliculis coryra-
bosis acutè bilobis margine erosè crenulatis, seminibus alatis, caule stricto
Root fibrous, annual. Stem from a span to a foot high,
straight, stout, rigid, angular, branched, the angles 'rough
with short bristly papillae. Leaves sessile, broadly cuneate,
obtuse, fleshy, minutely pubescent, attenuated at the base,
and furnished toward the apex with several large blunt teeth,
slightly waved, often recurved, 4 or 5 inches long, an inch
or an inch and a half broad, paler and 3-nerved beneath, dull
green and channelled above. Racemes terminal, solitary,
corymbiform, compact, somewhat conical. Flowers crowded.
Pedicels rigid, angular, spreading, scabrous, about half an
inch long. Sepals broadly oval, obtuse, concave, pale green,
stained with purple, the margin thin and scariose. Petals
white; claws linear, fleshy, as long as the sepals; lamina
rounded-oval, slightly cordate at the base, veiny, spreading,
nearly thrice the length of the claws; the two posterior ones
but half the size of the anterior. Stamens 6, shorter than
the petals, with the two lateral ones shorter than the rest.
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