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RÒSA indica ; var. Blairt.
B la ir’s New China Rose.
Linnean Class and Order. ICOSANDRIA POLYOYNIA.
Natural Order. ROSACEÆ. G. Don gen. syst. gard. ^ bot. 2. p. 523.
ROSA. Supràfol. 158.
R. indica, foliolis ellipticis acuminatis glabris orenato-serratis subtùs glaucis,
ovariis 40-50. Lindl. monogr, p. 106.
Rosa indica. Linn. sp. pl. p. 795. Lawr. ros. ¿.26. Willd. s p .p l. 2. p.
1079. A¿¿. hort. kew. ed. 2. p. 266. Redout, ros. 1. ¿. 14. e¿ 2. t. 15.
Decand. prodr. 2. p. 600.
p. Blairi, robusta, aculeata ; foliolis elliptico-oblongis argutè serratis viridisslmis
subtùs pallidioribus, floribus subcymosis amplis purpuréis odoratis.
A tall, strong growing shrub. Stems erect, copiously
prickly, with green, glabrous branches. Prickles short,
stout, straight, or slightly deflexed, with a broad base!
Leaflets 3, 5, or 7, stalked, oblong-elliptical, acuminate,
sharply and equally serrated, of a full green, even and
shining above, paler beneath, glabrous on both sides, three
inches long, and from an inch to an inch and a half in
breadth. Petioles copiously glandular, and furnished with a
few short prickles. Stipules adherent, fringed with stalked
glands, the free apices lanceolate, acuminate. Flowers terminal,
solitary, or somewhat cymose, large, very fragrant.
Peduncles stout, cylindrical, glandular, from an inch and
a half to two incìfies long. Bractes lanceolate, acuminate,
fringed with glands, silky beneath. Calyx, the tube glo!
bular, glabrous ; sepals ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, an inch
long, furnished at the base with one or two linear lobes,
externally glandular, internally copiously downy. Petals
obcordate, of a rich lilac, often furnished witli a white
stripe at the middle, yellow at the base, especially the
inner ones.
This splendid rose is a hybi’id production, having been
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