ORITHYÍA uniflora.
Single-flowered Orithyia.
Linnean Class and Order. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. LILIACEÆ. Brown prodr. l .p . 295. in notâ.
O R IT H Y IA . Perianthium 6-phyllum, campanulatum, coloratum, deciduum ;
foliolis, basi nudis lævibus. Stamina 6, erecta, subæqualia : filamenta
infernè dilatata, glabra ; anthera lineares, obtusæ, basi insertæ, erectæ.
Ovarium apice in stylum distinctum angustatum. Stigma obsoletè 3-
lobum. Capsula 3-gona, 3-locularis, polysperma. Semina plana, testà
membranaceà ?
Plantæ (altaicæ) bulbosa, habitu omnìno Tulipæ, bulbo ovato induviato fusco.
Folia bina, lanceolata, subconvoluta, glauca. Flos terminalis, solitarius,
magnus, luteus.
Obs. Ornitbogalum uniflorum et oxypetalum (suadente cl. Ledebour.) nunc in
novum genus erexi, quod ad familiam Liliacearum proprie dictam, ut videtur,
referrendum, ob babitum et semina plana. An testa sit verè membranacea?
Genus absdubio Rhlnopetalo arctè affine. Ornitbogalum et Gagea omninò
diversa : periantblo persistente, stylo filiformi, et seminibus subrotundis
v. angulatis, testà atra crustaceà.
O. uniflora, foliis lanceolatis scapo duplò longioribus, periantbii foliolis obovatis
obtusiusculls, antberis filamentorum tertiò longitudine.
Ornitbogalum uniflorum. Linn. mani. p. 62. Laxm. in nov. act.petrop. 18.
p. 529. t. 6 . / . 3. Willd. sp. pi. 2. p. 111. Persoon, syn. l .p . 363.
Spreng. syst. 2. p. 29. Ledeb.fl. alt. 2. p. 26.
Gagea uniflora. G. Don in Loud. hort. brit. p. 134. Schult, ß l, syst. 7.
p. 553.
Tulipa altaica. Gebl. MSS.
The plant is ahout the size, and has entirely the habit of
single-flowered specimens of Tulipa bflora, but the bulb is
rather larger, of an ovate form, and covered with a dark chesnut
coat. Scape single-flowered, 2 or 3 inches high, rather stout,
cylindrical, glabrous, glaucous-green, occasionally slightly
stained with purple. Leaves very rarely more tha,n two,
recurved and spreading, lanceolate, obtuse, canaliculate,
convolute, coriaceous, glaucous-green, four inches long,
scarcely an inch broad, narrowed and purplish towards the
base, faintly ribbed beneath. Flower terminal, solitary,
erect, about the size of those of Tulipa bflora, of a bright
yellow. Perianthium hexapetaloid, campanulate ; sepals
deciduous, obovate, obtusely mucronulate, more than an inch