RHODODÉNDRON arbireum; mv.
Wavy-leaved Tree Rosehay.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. ERICACEiE. Trib. 2. Rhodoue«. D. Don in edinb.
phil. journ. July, 1834. p. 152.
RHODODENDRON . Supràfol. 10.
Sect. 2. Calycis limbo 5-lobo, corolld campanulatd, staminibus 10, capsulis
8-lO-locularibus, fo liis coriaceis sempervirentibus. Booram.
R. arboreum, decandrum ; foliis lanceolatis acutis basi subattenuatis subtùs
argenteis, pedunculis calycibusque lanuginosis, corollæ segmentis bilobis
margine crenulato-crispatis, capsula 10-loculari tomentosa.
Rhododendron arboreum. Sm. ex. bot. t. 6. Hook. ex.Ji. t. 168. D. Don
prodr.fi. nep, p. 154. Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 896. Sweet suprà s. 1. v. 3.
t. 250. G. Don gen. syst. gard. hot. 34. p. 844.
t¡. undulatum, foliis lanceolatis acutis undulatis utrinque glabris viridibus, corollis
purpuréis flavo-maculatis.
A bushy, evergreen shrub, with purple branches. Leaves
stalked, lanceolate, acute, wavy, recurved, glabrous, and
green on both sides, rather paler beneath, 3 or 4 inches long,
of a thinner texture than those of arboreum. Flowers copious,
produced in round clusters at the extremity of the branches.
Peduncles and calyx pubescent. Corolla campanulate, of a
rich purple, paler within, and marked on the upper side
with numerous yellow spots; segments oblong, obtuse, much
waved and wrinkled at the edges. Stamens 10, declinate,
sometimes one or more becoming petaloid. Filaments rather
shorter than the corolla, white, hairy at the base. Anthers
purple, afterwards changing to brown. Ovarium pubescent.
Style declinate, filiform, longer than the stamens, rather
thicker towards the apex. Stigma large, capitate, purple.