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ERÔDIUM serotinum.
Late-flowering Heron s-bill.
Linnean Class and Order. MONADELPHIA PENTANDRIA.
iV a /W Order. GERANIACEÆ. Decand. prodr. \. p. 631.
E RO D IUM . Sépala 5 æqualia m calcar seu tubum nectanfeum nu p
ducta. Pétala 5 regularla aut irregularia. Sfami«« 10,
monadelphis, 5 antheriferis, 5 alternis stenlibus. Gianduia 5 a.d Usm
starainum .sterilium. Carpellorum arista intùs barbatæ demùm elasticè
H e r b æ a«fsuffiftlces,/of¿ís variis,pedunculis sæpiàs multi-ranssimè l-floris.
Decand. 1. c. 1. p. 644.
E serotinum, perenne, tomentosum ; caulibus dlffusis, foliis plnnatlfidis : seg-
mentis lanceolatis inciso-serratls, peduncuhs inultiflons, petalis elhpticis
aiquallbus calyce aristato longioribus. oQ7 / 1 5 f 2 Sweet
Erodium serotinum. Stev. in mem. acad. petersh. f pN Q l. 1.1 5 ./. .
geran. t. 137. Decand. prodr. \ .p . 647. G. Don gen. syst. gard. ^
éof. l .p . 724.
E. ruthenicum. Marsch. à Bieb. cent.pl. rar. ross. t. 48.
E. multicaule. Link en. 2. p. 184.
Stems many, branched, spreading, nearly cylindrical,
flattened pn one side, clothed with hoary pubescence, intei-
mixed with short bristly often deflexed hairs ; the jomts
swollen, occasionally red. Zeawes opposite, stalked, oblong
pinnatifid, downy, pale green, 4 or 5 inches long, the
segments lanceolate, acute, deeply lobed and serrated,
m L k ed above with depressed veins; the two
onnosite, d iv e rg en t; the upper ones confluent. Bootstaikt,
2 or 3 inches long, semi-cylindrical, flattened, but scarcely
ch anL u ed ahove^’thickene'd at the base, f . f “
lanceolate, cuspidate, pubescent, scariose white, and ciliated
at the margin. Peduncles about 5 inches long, mostly 7-
flowercd d L n y , slightly compressed, thickened and knotty
at the base. Pedicels filiform, downy, stained with purple
. J L