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SPARÀXIS stellkris.
Starry Sparaxis.
Linnean Class and Order. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. IRlDE iE . Brown prodr. \ .p . 302.
SPA RA X IS . Suprà fol. 131.
S. stellaris, scapo pancifloro foliis acutis longiori, perianthio infundibuliformi-
rotato : tubo filiformi exserto : laciniis lanceolatis acutis, styli ramis elongatis.
Rhizmna a round bulbo-tuber, the size of a filbert, and
thickly clothed with the brown fibrous remains of past
leaves. Leaves ensiform, acute, erect, pale green, conspicuously
nerved. Scapes longer than the leaves, slightly
branched and wavy, few-flowered. Spathes cup-shaped,
green, membranous, nerved, fringed with slender, filiform,
recurved ciliæ. Perianthium funnel-shaped, of a rich
purple, externally rather paler ; tube short, filiform,
exserted ; mouth within of a deeper purple, and surrounded
by a broad, irregular, starry, white band ; limb turbinate,
deeply 6-partite, with lanceolate, pointed segments, spreading
at the apex. Stamens three, shorter than the perianthium,
placed opposite the outer segments, and adherent to
their base. Filaments filiform, glabrous, white. Anthers
linear, pale yellow, longer than the free part of the filaments.
Ovarium obtusely three-sided, green. Style filiform, white,
thrice longer than the ovarium, the branches filiform,
truncate, revolute, nearly as long as the undivided portion,
and minutely papillose along their upper side.
Our drawing of this very pretty Sparaxis was taken at
the Nursery of Messieurs Allen and Rogers at Battersea in
the summer of last year. It comes very near to tricolor and
versicolor, but is distinguished from both by the lanceolate
pointed segments of its perianthium, and exserted tube.