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Cobæa-flowered Penstemon.
Linnean Class and Order. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA.
Natural Order. CHELONEAì.
P E N S T EM O N . Suprà fol. 211.
S. CoSiEa, glanduloso-pubescens ; foliis argutè serrulatis ; radicalibus lanceolatis
petiolatis ; caulinis ovatis ; ultimis subamplexicaulibus, corollæ fauce inflatâ
nuda, filamento sterili exserto barbato.
Penstemon Cobæa. NutU in trans, amer. phìL soc, v. 5. n. s, p, 182.
Hook, in bot. mag. t. 3465.
Plant perennial, herbaceous, slightly clothed with glandular
pubescence. Stem erect, cylindrical, two or three feet
high. Leaves opposite; radical ones stalked, ovate, acute,
toothed, 3 or 4 inches lo n g ; cauline ones oblong, the upper
ones sessile and somewhat amplexicaul. Inflorescence paniculate,
diffuse, terminal, leafy, composed of numerous cymes,
hearing from 3 to 5 flowers. Bractes lanceolate,
entire, sessile, double the length of the pedicels. Calyx
deeply divided into 5 lanceolate, acute, entire, leafy, glandular
ly pubescent segments. Corolla tubular, thrice longer
than the calyx, clothed with glandular pubescence, pale
purple, marked more or less with red streaks; faux múch
inflated; limb bilabiate, with 5 oblong, rounded, entire, even
spreading lobes, slightly suffused with yellow, and frequently
streaked with red above, the two upper ones shorter.
Stamens 4 fertile didynamous, with glabrous arched filaments;
sterile one straight, longer than the longer pair of fertile
stamens, thickened above, and bearded longitudinally with
spreading hairs. Anthers purple, of two confluent cells.
Ovarium ovate, pointed, bilocular. Style filiform, glabrous,
white, about as long as the shorter pair of stamens. Stigma