AÜÉSMÍA pendula.
Pendulous-fn á te d A desmia.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOS7E. Juss. gen. p. 345.
ADESMIA. Suprà fol. 222.
* Herbcn pcrennes. Racemi terminales, longissimi, nudi,paniculati.
N. pendula, perennis, glabriuscula, repens; foliolis 7-12-jugis ellipticis mucro-
nulatis integris, racemis elongatis laxis setosis, lomentis pendulis: articulis
7-9 orbiculatis hispidis. .
Adesmia pendula. Decand.prodr. 2, p. 319. Hook. §• Am. in bot. misc. 3.
p. 188. O. Don. gen. syst. gard. % hot. 2 .p. 282.
Hedysarum pendulum. Pair. diet. 6. p. 449. (var. a.)
A creeping perennial herb, furnished^ with long white
runners, (»capes a span or a foot high, simple cylindrical,
hollow, copiously clothed with short, spreading, dark-purple
bristles. Leaves radical, impari-pinnate, a span long, with
the footstalks and rhachis nearly cylindrical, bristly, and
marked above with a deep, narrow furrow. Leaflets about
12 pair, opposite, on very short, thick, pale green, naked,
partial footstalks, obovate or elliptical-oblong, mucronulate,
entire, pinnately-nerved, perfectly glabrous, bright green
above, paler beneath, about an inch long, and half an inch
wide. Racemes terminal, solitary, many-flowered, erect.
Flowers scattered. Pedkels one-fl'owered, filiform, bristly,
arched, half an inch long, green. Bractes lanceolate, bristle-
pointed, fringed, membranous, about a third of the length
of the pedicels. Calyx campanulate, bristly, stained with
purple, gibbous above at the base, with 5 lanceolate, .cuspidate,
fringed, nearly equal, erect teeth. Vexillum nearly orbicular,
very slightly emarginate, orange yellow, streaked
with purple lines, with a white, cuneate, conduplicate, glabrous
claw, about half the length of the calyx. Wings some