LIN UM flavum.
Yellow Flax.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA PENTAGYNIA.
Natural Order. L IN E ^ . Decand.prodr. \. p. 423.
LINUM. Supra fol. 270.
L flavum calycibus subserrato-scabrls lanceolatis subsessilibus, panícula ramis
■ dichotomis. Linn. sp. pi. p. 399. Jacq. austr. t. 214 Scop. earn. 2.
M. 384. Willd. s p .p l.) . p. \o39. Curt. bot. mag. t. 3\2. G.Dongen.
syst. gard. ^ bot. 1.p. 452.
L. raonopetalum. Steph. en. mosq. p. 214.
L. glandulosum t. Decand. prodr. 1. p. 425.
L. sylvestre latifolium luteum. Bauh. pin. p. 214.
L. latifolium luteum. Bauh. hist. 3. p. 454.
L. sylvestre III. latifolium. Clus. hist. l .p . 317.
Stem erect, shrubby, from a span to two feet high, with
acutely, angular, clammy branches. Leaves alternate,
sessile, lanceolate, acute, coriaceous, glabrous, entire, faintly
3-nerved below, of a dull green, scarcely glaucous, an inch
or more in length, with a broad base. Flowers copious,
in a corvmbose, leafy panicle, with dichotomous branches.
Peduncles scarcely half an inch long, angular, viscid.
Sepals lanceolate, mucronate, keeled, denticulate, connivent,
the outer pair larger. Corolla large, campanulate, bright
yellow, twice as long as the calyx. Petals spathulate,,
ribbed, entire, the claws cohering. Stamens 10, the five
alternate ones shorter and sterile. Filaments^ awl-shaped,
slightly hairy, united at the base. Anthers linear, blunt,
yellow, of two parallel connate cells. Ovarium ovate,
5-celled. Styles 5, double the length of the stamens.
Stigmas clavate, pruinose.
This is usually treated as a greenhouse plant, but it will
be found to^be nearly as hardy as the Linum tauricmn, from