membranous, yellow, pubescent, especially at the ft
Anthers cohering into a tube, paler yellow, composed ot two
parallel cells, united by a linear connectivum, each terminated
hv a tuft of white straight hairs. ,
" We are indebted to Messrs. Low and Co. for the opportunity
of giving a figure of this very showy species of Sipho-
cainpylus, which they raised from seeds collected in Georgia
United States, by Mr. Alexander Gordon, a zealous botanical
collector, to whom our gardens are already indebted for the
introduction of the elegant Gardoquia Hookeri, hgured at
TAB. 271. of this work. x
Mr. John Henchman informs us that the present species
s perfectly hardy, growing vigorously and producing abundance
of its beautiful scarlet and yellow fiowers m the open
a i r ; the plant will no doubt be very readily multiplied by
^^The^ present group is a very natural one, and was established,
as a distinct genus, by Pohl in his leones Plantarum
Brasiliensiim. The species now before us is the most northerly
in its geographical range, the greater part ot the
genus, which includes 42 species, being mostly contmed to
°The name alludes to the curved tube of the corolla, and
is compounded of ertfcov, a tube, and KafHvvXos, curved
Our drawing was taken at the Clapton N u rse ry ^ in ^ p ril.
1, Stamens and Pistil.