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EPIGEA rèpens ; var. rubicunda.
Red-flowered Epigoea.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Naturai Order. ERICACEÆ. Subtrib. 2. A n d r o m e d e « . D. Don in
edinb. phil. journ. July, 1834, yj. 152.
E P IGÆ A . Calyx sub-5-phyllus, basi 3-bracteatus. Corolla hypocrateri-
formis : /oMce barbata. Siamima 10, inclusa : /lameBÌa infernè barbata :
antheroe lineares, biloculares, apice bidentatæ : loculis parallelis, longitudi-
nalitèr dehiscentibus, basi solutis, muticis. Stigma truncatum. Capsula
5-locularis, loculicido-dehiscens, polysperma. Placenta 5-loba. Semina
parva, subrotunda.
Suffrutex (Amer. bor.) repens, sempervirens, setosus. Eolia sparsa, cordato-
ovata, integerrima, coriacea. Flores racemosi, bracteolati, axillares et
E. repens. Linn. sp. pl. p. 565. amaen. acad. 3. p . 17. Mill. diet. n. 1.
Lam.ill. t. 367. f . 1. Willd. sp. pl. 2. p. 615. Mich. fl. amer. \.p .
250. Andr. rep.t. 102. Pursh fi. amer. \.p .2 9 7 . Nutt.gen. l .p .
269. Lodd. hot. cab. t. 160. Spreng. syst. 2. p. 288. G. Don gen.
syst. gard. ^ bot. 3. 841.
Memrecylum. Mitch. in ephem. acad. coes. nat. cur. 8. p , 213.
Arbutus foliis ovatis integris, petiolis laxis longitudine foliorum. Gronov. virg.
p. 49.
Pyrolas affinis Virginiana repens fruticosa, foliis rigidis, scabritie asperatis, flore
pentapetaloide fistoloso. Pluk. aim. p. 309. t. 107./. 1. Raii suppl.
p. 596.
ß. rubicunda, floribus rubris.
A dwarf, creeping, caespitose shrub, with bristly branches.
Leaves alternate, stalked, elliptical, mucronulate, entire,
cordate at the base, with rounded lobes, coriaceous, reticulately
veined, and rather wrinkled, the younger ones brjstly,
but finally becoming nearly glabrous, and shining on both
sides, the underside rather p a le r; about two inches long,
and nearly an inch and a half in width. Petioles half an
inch long, almost filiform, bristly, slightly channelled above.
Racemes about five-flowered, an inch long. Peduncles very
short. Bractes three, seated at the base of the calyx, and
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