- /Tíí/Vil dU. '■/¿?// Baflx)/cy AC,
RHODODÉNDRON phoemceum ; vm\
Splendid Rosebay.
phil. journ, J u l y 1834, p. 152.
5 - 1 0 , orario 5- lo c u la r i, fo liis membranaceis sempermrentibus hispidc
■ Sp. chinenses.
R. phceniceum, subdecandrum, adpresse setosum ; t e ' l l f
rlbus gemlms, calycls segmentis lanceolatis acutis, corolla campanulata
patenti: lobis oblongis integerrimis, ovariis hispidis
Rhododendron phceniceum. G. Don gen. syst. 3' PAzalea
ledifolia (3 phoeuicea. Hook, in bot. mag.L á¿ó\).
¡. splendens, corollis r u b r o -purpuréis, staminibus 5—«.
A dwarf, branching shrub, about 3 feet high. Branches
spreading, filiform, thickly clothed with t i d i e d , scaly
bristles. Leaves lanceolate, mucronulate, stalked, attenuated
towards the base, an inch and a half or two inches long, and
half an inch in width, dark-green above, paler beneath,
sparingly clothed on both sides with recuinbent bnst y
hairs. Petioles about a nail long, channelled above, thickly
beset with adpressed scaly bristles. Flowers terminal in
pairs. Bractes squamiform, ovate-lanceolate, acuininate,
concave, bristly, brown, and scariose, caducous. Peduncles
scarcely half an inch long, thickly clothed, as well as the
calyx, with adpressed, silvery, scaly bristles. Calyx 5-
partite, the segments lanceolate, acute, equd, leaty, green.
Corolla widely campanulate, of a rich reddish purple ; tube
very short, turbinate ; limb spreading, deeply O'ftb^o ’ ®
oblong, rounded, entire, wavy at the margins; the 2 upper
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