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VESICÀRIA grandiflòra.
Large-fiowered Vesicaria.
Natural Order. CRUCIFERÆ. Trib. II. A l y s s in e æ seu Pleurorhizæ
Latiseptæ. Decand. prodr. l. p. 156.
VESICARIA. Silicula globosa, infiala, valvis hemisphæricis. Semina
plurima (ultra 8), sæpiùs marginata. Petala integra.
Sect. 1. Vesicariana. Silicula globosa, valvis membranaceis inflatis. Decand.
I. c. l.p . 159.
V. grandiflora, pube stellata canescens ; foliis sessilibus cuneato-oblongis,
siliculis globosis inflatis glabris, filamentis basi incrassatis, petalis obcordatis
calyce duplo longioribus.
Vesicaria grandiflora. Hook, in bot. mag. t. 3464.
The whole plant sparingly clothed with starry pubescence.
Root annual. Stem filiform, decumbent, much branched,
a foot high. Leaves scattered, sessile, cuneately oblong,
obtuse, sinuately toothed, an inch long. Flowers terminal,
racemose. Racemes many-flowered. Pedicels slender, filiform,
an inch long. Calyx copiously hairy ; sepals elliptical-
oblong, blunt, with a scariose border. Petals obcordate,
golden yellow, double the length of the calyx, but slightly
emarginate. Stamens about half the length of the petals.
Filaments stout, awl-shaped, glabrous, yellow, thickened at
the base, te shorter than the filaments, linear, sagittate
at the base. Disk crenated, yellow. Ovarium sphærical,
scarcely stipitate, glabrous, inflated; septum veinless. Style
cylindrical, nearly as long as the ovarium. Stigma capitate.
Ovula six in each cell, furnished with long funiculi, which
are adnate at the base to the septum.
This which we regard as the most showy of its genus, is
one of the discoveries made by the late Mr. Thomas Drummond,
in the province of Texas.
Our drawing was taken from specimens which flowered in
the Bristol Nursery in the autumn of last year.
The plant is a hardy annual, thriving in any light soil.
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