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EÜTOCA viscida.
Clammy Eutoca.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. HYDROPHYLLEÆ. Br. Benth. in Linn. trans. \1 .p .
EUTOCA. Suprà fol. 334.
E. viscida, erecta, ramosa, glanduloso-pilosa, viscosa ; foliis petiolatis cordatis
duplicato-serratis, corollis calyce subduplò longioribus, staminibus exsertis,
placentis multi-ovulatis.
Eutoca viscida. Benth. mss. Lindl. in hot. reg. t. 1808.
The whole herbage of a dull green, copiously clothed with
glandular viscid hairs, the glands of a sooty black. Stem
erect, branched, rigid, about a foot high, slightly angular.
Leaves stalked, distant, cordate, rounded, somewhat palmi-
nerved, doubly serrated, with broad, abruptly mucronulate
teeth ; an inch and a half to two inches long, rather more
in breadth. Petioles half an inch long, channelled above.
Inflorescence anomalous, formed of one branch of a dichotomous
cyme. Racemes solitary, circinate, opposite the leaves,
but constituting the real termination of the axis, a leaf-
hranch always issuing from the axil of the leaf ; 4 or 8 inches
long. Peduncles 1 or 2 inches long. Flowers numerous,
dispersed along a cylindrical, almost filiform axis. Bractes
none. Pedicels ascending, filiform, 2 or 3 lines long. Calyx
deeply 5-partite, longer than the pedicels ; segments narrow-,
ligulate, obtuse, connivent, slightly keeled, equal. Corolla
rotate, 5-lobed, considerably longer than the calyx, of a
deep azure blue ; tube nearly white, and dotted with purple
within ; lobes broad and rounded, slightly crenulate, even,
imbricate in æstivation. Stamens 5, nearly equal, spreading,
rather longer than the corolla. Filaments slender, awl-
shaped, purple, bearded with long, spreading, bristly hairs.
Anthers incumbent, cream-coloured, oblong, composed of
two parallel cells free at the base, and opening lengthways.
Ovarium compressed, unilocular, hispid at the top. Style
bristly at the base, deeply cloven into two, filiform, purple,
glabrous, spreading branches, shorter than the stamens.
Stigma a minute dot. Capsule as long as the calyx, semiiji
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