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CŸTISUS æolicus.
Æolian Cytisus.
Linnean Class and Order. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOSÆ. Juss. gen. p. 345.
C Y T ISU S . CaZi/æ bilabiatus, labio superiore sæpiùs integro, inferiore subtridentato.
Vexillum ovatum, amplum. Carina obtusissima genitalia
includens. Stamina monadelpha. Legumen plano-compressum poly-
spermum eglandulosum.
Frútices habitu Genistarum trifoliolatarum, floribus ferè omnium flavis, foliis
omnium 3-foliolatis. Decand. prodr. 2. p .5 \3 .
Sect. 2. Laburnum. Calyx campanulatus. Legumina polysperma ad
suturam superior em non dilatata. Flores flavi. Rami inermes foliosi.
Decand. 1. c. 2. p. 153.
C. cBolicus, ramis teretibus tomentosis, foliolis elliptico-oblongis mucronulatis
sericeo-villosissimis, floribus subquinis pedicellatis racemosis, calycibus
sericeis : labio inferiore ovato intero, leguminibus glabris.
Cytisus aeolicus. Guss. mss. Lindi, in bot. reg. t. 1902.
Shrub erect, much branched, unarmed. Branches cylindrical
or slightly angular, leafy, copiously downy. Leaves
stalked, 3 -foliolate; leaflets oblong-elliptical, mucronulate,
densely silky on both sides, an inch or an inch and a half
long, rather coriaceous. Petioles convex below, channelled
above, half an inch long. Stipules oblong, membranous,
silkv, caducous. Flowers about three or five, together.
PeduncUs three lines long, pale yellow, silky. Calyx campanulate,
about as long as the pedicels, bilabiate, silky ;
lower lip ovate, acute, entire; upper one shorter, einarginate.
Corolla golden yellow. Vexillum elliptical, emarginate, the
sides folded back. Wings oblong, rather involute at the
apex, longer than the k e e l; claws about half as long as the
calyx. Keel obtuse, the petals slightly conneated at the
edges, pubescent below; claws distinct, linear, compressed.
Stamens 10, monadelphous. Filaments glabrous, pale yellow.
Anthers orange, those of the five longer stamens rounded
and smaller than the rest. Ovarium linear, compressed.