Filaments stout, greenisli yellow, glabrous. Anthers adnate,
introrse, bilocular, yellow. Style cylindrical, stout, about as
long as the lobes of tlie ovarium. Stigma emarginate,
minutely papillose. Silicula orbicular, compressed, cloven
at the top, lobes pointed, with the margins crenulate and
slightly torn. Seeds solitary, pendulous, compressed, winged.
We have been unable to identify this with any of the published
species of Iberis, nor have we been more fortunate in
tracing the particulars of its history. It is by far the most
showy of the genus. In affinity it evidently comes near to
I . Lagascana, but that is altogether a much smaller plant,
and the fruit has an even margin.
I t is a hardy annual of easy culture, growing freely in the
ordinary garden soil. Few plants have better claims to a
place in the flower border. Its clusters are large, and at a
distance the plant bears considerable resemblance to the
Double white Rocket.
Our drawing was taken at the Nursery of Messrs. Allen
and Rogers at Battersea in June last.
The generic name will be found explained at fol. 6.
D . Don.
1. Organs of reproduction. 2. Silicula.