RHODODÉNDRON flàvum; var.
Garland-flowered Rosehay.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Naturai Order. ERICACEA5. Trib. 2. Rhodore«. Don in edinb. phil.
journ. July, 1834. p. 152.
RH O D O D ÉND RO N . Suprà fol. 10.
Sect. 7. Calycis limbo abbreviato 5-lobo, corolld infundihuliformi, capsulis
5-locularibus, fo liis membranaceis deciduis. Pentanthera.
R. flavum, pentandrum ; foliis lanceoÌatis acutis ramulisque pilosis, laciniis
calycinis lineari-oblongis obtusis ciliatis, corollis glanduloso-pilosis ; limbo
tubum subæquante.
Rhododendron flavum. D. Don in G. Don gen. syst. gard. A hot. 3.
p. 847.
Azalea pontica. Linn. sp.pl. ed. l.p . 150. Schreb. in nov. act. upsal. l.p . 90.
Pali. ross. 2. p. 51. t. 69. Willd. sp. pi. 1. p. 830. Curtis, bot. mag.
i. 433. Andr.rep. t. 16. Marsch. à Bieb.fl. taur. cauc, l .p . 144.
Chamærhodendros Pontica, maxima, Mespili folio, flore luteo. Tournef. cor.
p. 42. in act. paris. 1704. p. 348. Buxb. cent. 5. p. 36. t. 69.
y. coronarium, floribus congestis aureis.
A bushy deciduous shrub, with round, rigid branches,
clothed with glandular bristles. Leaves lanceolate, mucronulate,
wavy, membranous, bristly on both sides, paler beneath,
fringed at the margin. Petioles semi-cylindrical, glandular,
about a nail long. Flowers numerous, orange, crowded,
disposed in large rounded bunches. Pedicels scarcely half
an inch long, hairy. Calycine teeth very short, ovate, obtuse,
green, fringed with bristly hairs. Corolla funnel-shaped;
tube hairy exte rn a lly ; limb rather shorter than the tube,
with ovate-oblong, íilunt, even segments, glabrous above,
glandular beneath. Stamens 5, declinate, longer than the