CAJjLlOPSIS Drummondii.
Drummonds Calliopsis.
Natural Order. C0MP0SITA5. A d a n s.fam .2 . p. 103. Earn. X. H e l i -
ANTHEiE. Cass, in jo um . piiys. IQ.p. 111.
CALLIOPSIS. Achcenium ohcompressum, omnino calvura; intus curvatum,
apice truncatum, anguste bialatum, disco epigyno minuto, alis concoloribus,
integerrirais. Stylus disci ramis truncatis apiceque solo penicillatis.
Herba; (boreali-Americanae) glabrre, foliis magis minusve sectis ; capitulis
geminis vel corymlosis, radio luteo basi macula atropurpúrea notato vel
roseo ; involucris biserialibus, serie interiori gamophylla, exteriore
squarrosa. Less. comp. p. 228.
C. Drummondii, pilosa ; foliis superioribus ternatis : segmentis ovatis, flosculis
disci 5-dentatis, acheniis ventricosis tuberculatis.
Root annual. Stem erect, filiform, branched, striated,
green, about 2 feet high, sparingly clothed with spreading
bristly hairs. Leaves opposite, s ta lk ed ; lower ones pin-
nately, upper ones ternately parted ; segments ovate or ovate-
oblong, mucronulate, entire, attenuated and somewhat stalked
at the base, bright green, veiny, paler beneath, slightly hairy
or glabrous, the terminal one larger, stipitate, an inch or an
inch and a half long. Footstalks an inch long, channelled
above, copiously fringed with white bristly hairs. Capitula
terminal, solitary, elevated on long, filiform, naked, almost
glabrous peduncles. Involucrum double, each of 8 leafits;
the outer one leafy, spreading, green, the leafits linear-lanceolate,
blunt, fleshy, glabrous, or occasionally fringed at
the apex ; inner one coloured, membranous, glossy, brown,
the leafits ovate-oblong, adpressed, double the breadth of the
outer ones. Rhachis elevated, hemisphserical, covered with
lanceolate, attenuated, purple-pointed, concave, membranous,
glabrous, deciduous bracteolse. Florets of the ray 8, neuter.
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