Lorey’s Bell-flower.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. CAMPANULACEAÌ. Brown prodr. I. p. 559.
C AM P ANU LA . Suprà fol. 80.
C. Loreyi, annua, diffusa ; ratnis unifloris, foliis sessilibus lanceolatis acutis den-
ticulatis glabris, calycis tubo globoso 10-costato setoso : segmentis lanceolatis
acuminatis denticulatis, corollà subrotatà calyce breviore, capsulà
Campanula Loreyi. Poll. elem. b o t.2 .p . 148. cum fig. fl. veron. l .p . 271.
t .2 . f .4 . Poir. encycl. suppl. 5. p. 594. Roem. et Schult, syst. 5. p. 130.
Shns in bot. mag. t. 2581. Spreng. syst, l .p . 729. (excl. syn. Sibth. et
Sm.) Alph. Decand. monogr. p. 333. G. Don gen. syst. gard. §•
bot. 3. p. 766.
C. baldensis. Balb. cat. hort. taur. 1813. p. 20.
C. ramosissima. Host,fl. austr. l .p . 264. (non Sibth. et Sm.)
Boot fibrous, annual. Stems spreading, branched, glabrous,
about a span long, with 5 elevated, cartilaginous angles.
Branches mostly triangular. Leaves spreading, distant, sessile,
lanceolate, acute, denticulate, plain, glabrous, grass green,
an inch and a halflong, the base rounded; lower ones obovate,
crenate. Peduncles terminal, solitary, one-flowered, 5-angular,
3 or 4 inches long. Calyx the limb deeply parted into
5, lanceolate, acuminate, toothed, 3-ribbed, erect, leafy, segments;
tube globose, with 10 elevated, bristly ridges, the
bristles copious, awl-shaped, white, straight, thickened at the
base. Corolla deeply 5-parted, rotate, shorter than the calyx,
with ovate-oblong, pointed, 3-nerved, spreading lobes.
Stamens 5, inserted into the disk, shorter than the corolla.