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PÀVIA carnea.
Flesh-coloured American Horse-chesnut.
Linnean Class and Order. HEPTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Naturai Order. HIPPOCASTANEìE. Decand. prodr. 1. p. 597.
P A V IA . Calyx tubulosus v. campanulatus, 5-lobus. Pétala 4, rariùs 5,
erecta, dissimilia; 2 superiora longiora, unguibus cohaerentia. Stamina
6-8, erecta. Capsula laivis v. echinata.
Arborea (americanee) foliolis scepiès quinalis breviter petiolulatis, Jìoribus
rubris v.fiavis.
P. carnea, capsulis echinatis, staminibus corolla tetrapetalà longioribus, antheris
glabris, foliolis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis petiolisque glabris subtùs in
axillis venarum lanuginosis.
Pavia carnea. Spach hippoc. p. 4.
jEsculus carnea, Willd. ex Ouimp. et Hayne fremd, holz. t. 22. Lindl. in
bot. req. t. 1056. O. Don. gen. syst. gard. § bot. \.p . 652.
M. rubicunda. Loisel. herb, de Vamat. t. 367. Decand. prodr. 1. p. 597.
A small bushy tree, from 10 to 20 feet high. Leaves
opposite, stalked, quinate. Leaflets nearly sessile, ovate-
lanceolate, acuminate, membranous, copiously and un equally
serrated, 3 or 4 inches long, an inch and a half
or 2 inches broad, bright green, glabrous and shining
above, paler beneath, furnished at the axils of the veins
with a tuft of woolly hairs. Footstalks 2 inches long,
semicylindrical, glabrous, flat above, but little thickened at
the base. Panicles solitary, terminal, racemose, about half
a foot long, copiously downy with minute pubescence.
Pedicels very short, cylindrical, red. Calyx campanulate,
5-lobed, red, minutely pubescent, lobes rounded, concave,
unequal, fringed. Petals 4, of a rich pink, unequal,
copiously furnished, especially beneath, with red stalked
g lan d s; 2 lower ones shorter, with a rounded cordate limb,
which is waved and curled, and fringed at the m a rg in ;