Ear-leaved Nemophila.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Naturai Order. HYDROPHYLLEÆ. Br. Benth. in linn. trans. 17.
p . 272.
N EM O PH ILA . Suprà fol. 329.
N. aurita, petiolis basi auriculato-dilatatis, calycis sinuum appendiculis elongatis,
corollis calyce duplò longioribus, placentis 2-ovulatis. Bentham in l. c.
1 7. p . 275.
Nemophila aurita. Lindl. in hot. reg. t. 1601.
Root fibrous, annual. Stem diffuse, branched, cylindrical,
about a foot high, rough, like the rest of the plant, with
minute reflexed prickles. Leaves runcinate, dark green,
the base broad, cordate, with rounded lobes, encircling the
stem. Flowers few, loosely cymose. Peduncles simple or
dichotomous, slender, filiform, bristly, about an inch long.
Calyx deeply 5-cleft; segments ovate-lanceolate, obtuse
prickly, green, leafy, the sinuses produced, and about halt
the length of the calycine segments, concave, blunt, spreading.
Corolla campanulate, longer than the calyx, dark blue ; tube
furnished with 5 hollow pits alternating with the stamens,
which alternate with the segments of the_ corolla; lobes
rounded, emarginate, veiny, imbricate in æstivation. f'•'laments
awl-shaped, compressed, glabrous. Anthers oblong,
incumbent, black, of two parallel cells. Ovarium 2-celled,
bristly, the bristles white. Style slender, filiform, bristly,
bifid at the apex. Stigmas blunt, slightly capitate. Capsule
globose, membranous, inflated, bristly at the top, crowned
by the persistent style, one-celled, 2-valved, the valves separating
at the middle, each bearing a spongy parietal placenta.
about two to each placenta, round, brown, the testa
composed of spherical cells placed in juxta-position.