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Slender Philibertia.
ÀnneatL Class and Order. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA
Natural Order. ASCLEPIADEÆ. Brown in wern. mem. I. n. 19.
P H IL IB E R T IA . Corolla campanulata, 5-loba, sinubns prominulis.
Corona duplex; exterior annularis, subrepanda; interior S-phvlla
extenorem superans : foliolis carnosis. Antheroe membrana terminata-’
Massoe polli,ns apice affixæ, pendulæ. Folliculi . . . .
Plantæ (Amer, austr.) volubiles. Folia apposita, cordata. Umbellæ interpetiolares.
D. Don mss.
i'.grMÜis, foliis profundè cordatis acuminatis subtomentosls, corolla ealyce ter
longiore, coronæ interioris foliolis ventricosis anticè mucronatis.
o Pf'ennial, copiously clothed with soft spreading hairs.
SZms filiform twining, slender, about six feet long. Leaves
opposite, stalked, cordate, acuminate, soft, green on both
sides, an inch and a halflong, the posterior lobes rounded
and spreteing. Petioles filiform, three-fourths of an inch
long Umbels solitary, interpetiolary, pedunculate, of from
f t Peduncles filiform, from an inch to an inch and
a halt long. Pedicels short. Practes linear, acute. Calyx
deeply o-parted, the segments linear-lanceolate, acute, spreading,
leaty. thrice longer than the calyx, campanuate,
exteriorly hairy, glabrous within, the ground of a yellowish
white, thickly studded with purple lines and spots ;
hmb spreading, -5-lobed ; lobes triangular, valvate in e stivation,
the sinuses produced into short teeth. Corona double
the exterior one annular, entire, inner one of five fleshy
gibbous, yellow segments, each furnished with a short simr-
hke point at the inner side near the apex. Filaments short,
inembranous, connate. Anthers bilocular, surmounted by a
short, rounded, truncate, membranous appendage. Pollen
masses clavate, slightly compressed, smooth, yellow, waxy,
glossy, pendulous, connected by a short, somewhat arrow-
shaped, chocolate-coloured gland. Gynostemium thickened.