RHODODÉNDRON flavum; var. ardens.
Fiery Rosehay.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. ERICACE.®. Trib. 2. R h o d o re « . Don in edinb. phil.
journ. July, 1834. p. 152.
RHODODENDRON. Supràfol. 10.
Sect. 7. Calycis limbo abbreviato 5-lobo, corolld infundibuliformi, capsulis
5-locularibus, fo liis membranaceis deciduis. Pentanthera.
R. flavum, pentandrum; foliis lanceolatis acutis ramulisque pilosis, laciniis caly-
cinis lineari-oblongis obtusis ciliatis, corollis glanduloso-pilosis : limbo tubum
Rhododendron flavum. D. Don in G. Don gen. syst. gard. §• bot. 3.p. 847.
Azalea pontica. Linn. sp. p i ed. Ì . p. 150. Schreb. in act. nov. upsal. 1. p. 90.
Pall. ross. 2. p. 51. t. 09. Willd. sp. pi. 1. p. 830. Curtis in bot. mag.
t. 433. Andr. rep. t. 16. Marsch. a Bieb.fl. taur. cauc. \ .p . 144.
Chameerhododendros Pontica, maxima, Mespili folio, flore luteo. Tournef. cor.
p. 42. in act. paris. 1704.p. 348. Buxb. cent. 5. p. 36. t. 69.
¡¡. ardens, floribus ignescentibus.
A bushy, deciduous shrub, 3 feet high, with round
branches, clothed with adpressed, silvery bristles. Leaves
lanceolate, mucronulate, membranous, ciliated, glabrous
above, paler and hairy beneath, 2 or 3 inches long. Clusters
compact, many-flowered, corymbose. Pedicels cylindrical,
hairy, scarcely half an inch long. Bractes membranous,
spathulate, mucronulate, ciliated, pale green, rather longer
than the pedicels. Calyx with 5, short, ovate, obtuse,
bristly green teeth. Corolla of a bright orange-red, funnelshaped
; tube pentagonal, hairy externally ; limb 5-parted,
the segments ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, nearly glabrous,
about as long as the tube. Stamens 5, decimate, considerably
longer than the corolla. Filaments pale pink, slender.