ISMÈLIA maderensis.
Madeira Ismelia.
Naturai Order. COMPOSITiE. Adans. fam. \ . p . . Fam. Anthemide«,
ISM E L IA . Achenium conforme, angulatum, angulis alatis. Pappus coroni-
formis, amplus. Corolla disci fertilis 5-dentata, teres ; radii foeminea lin-
gulata, lingula oblongà. Stylus disci ramis exappendiculatis.
HerbiE vel frútices africani, foliis alternis, varie pinnatisectis, segmentis lìne-
aribus; capitulis terminalibus, solitariis, radio albo vel luteo ; involucris
campanulatis, imbricatis ; planiusculd. Less. comp. p. 255.
I. maderensis, suffruticosa, glauca; foliis sessilibus cuneatis inciso-lobatis ;
supremis subintegerrimis, capitulis corymbosis, rhachidc conica, pappo lobato.
Pyrethrum maderense. Webb MSS.
Stem erect, shrubby, branched, from a foot to two feet
high. Branches cylindrical, leafy. Leaves sessile, spreading,
rather fleshy and flaccid, glaucous, cuneate, two inches
long, marked on both sides with several prominent nerves,
lobed and toothed towards the apex, the base narrowed,
slightly embracing the stem, and furnished with several lanceolate,
pointed, recurved teeth ; uppermost ones nearly entire.
Capitula numerous, corymbose. Peduncles filiform,
naked, glabrous, about two inches long. Involucrum hemispherical,
the scales closely imbricate, ovate-oblong, obtuse,
slightly keeled, green, with a broad scariose, dark-brown,
torn margin. Rhachis conical, dotted. Florets of the ray
ahout 20, female, narrow. Ugniate, bluntly 3-toothed, nearly
an inch long, of a pale straw colour ; those of the disk tubular,
hermaphrodite, acutely 5-toothed, yellow, the dilated
campanulate faux about as long as the green cylindrical
tube. Filaments slender, capillary, glabrous. Anthers united
into a tube, naked at the base, each crowned by a lanceolate
acute membranous appendage. Ovaria triquetrous, uniform,