J ,
ÌRIS spuria.
Late-flowering Blue Iris.
Linnean Class and Order. TRI AND RI A MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. IRIDEiE. Brown prodr. \.p .3Q 2 .
IR IS . Suprà fol. 56.
* * Imberbes, perianthii lacinice interiores minores patentes, ovario 6-gono,
spathis foliaceis. Sp. aberrantes, asiaticte et americanse.
I. spuria, imberbis ; spathà uniilorà, perianthii segmentis spathulatis bilobis,
stigmatibus bipartitis margine integris convolutis, capsula 6-gonà apice
elongato-attenuatà, caule compressiusculo.
Iris spuria. Linn. sp. pi. p. 58. hort. cliff, p. 19. Mill. diet. ed. 7. n. 14.
Jacq. fl. austr. t. 4. (optima.) Thunb. diss. n. 32. Older, fl. dan. t. 784,
Willd. sp.pl. 1. p. 237. Valli en. 2. p. 140. Dryand. in hort. hew. ed.
2.V. l .p . 115. Redoute IH. t. 349. Marsch. à Bieb. fl. taur. cauc. 1.
p. 32.
I. halophila. Ker in. hot. mag. t. 875.
I. spathulata. Lam. encycl. 3. p. 300.
I. angustifolia maritima major. Bauh. theatr.p. 600.
I. sylvestris maritima narbonensis. Lob. ic. t. 68.
I. pratensis angustifolia, folio foetido. Bauh. pin. p. 32.
I. angustifolia pannonica. Clus. pann. p. 228.
I. angustifolia 1. Clus. hist. l.p . 228.
I. foliis angustis prima Clusii. Best. hort. syst. cE S t. ord. 3. fol. 4.
ß. minor, caule humiliore, floribus minoribus.
I. spuria. Curt. bot. mag. t. 58.
Plant having the scent of \. fcetidissima, but not so powerful.
Stem erect, about 3 feet high, compressed, smooth and
shining, rather thicker than a writing quill, the upper part
nearly cylindrical. Leaves exceeding the stem in length
and about half an inch in breadth, erect, narrow, ensiform,
acuminate, striated, of a dull green, the margin cartilaginous
and entire. Spathes one-ilowered, lanceolate ; acuminate,
leafy, green, keeled, scarcely ventricose, shorter than
the flowers, with a narrow scariose border. Peduncles
obtusely 3-sided, smooth, an inch or 2 inches long. Perian-
tliium the tube short, turbinate, 6-sided, green ; 3 outer segments
spathulate, with long, yellow, channelled, beardless